I was hitting golfballs in a field behind my house when I came across what seems to be developer's dump site. There is a large aluminum framed canop/sun shade that's probably 18ft L x 6ft W x 2ft H and made from 2"x2" square aluminum tubing. I was thinking of chopping it up and selling it as scrap aluminum. What are my best options? Sell on craigslist? Metal Recycler? Whats the best tool to break this thing down, a sawzall?
IF the 2x2 tubing is not full of holes then try to sell that but the rest will cut up with a sawzall fine.. Scrap Aluminum why not as high in price as in the past will still put a few bucks in your pocket.
I thought that said "I was hitting goof balls in a field behind my house"
No matter which goof balls you're talking about, misreading that changes the whole atmosphere of the thread.
"I noticed that my neighbor's house has all copper tubing in it's plumbing system He has gone on vacation. What is the best way to cut up and remove the tubing?"
stuart in mn wrote: First thing is to make sure the scrap is abandoned, and you're not stealing it from someone.
Just because you abandon something temporarily doesn't mean you expect someone to "clean up" your "dump site." What you're talking about is theft, and if I had you IP address, I'd be reporting you to your local police department.
I left out the part where its been there for at least 5 years (since I've moved in), in the middle of the woods along with some smashed tile, smashed microwaves, gallons upon gallons of paint pails , tar pails, and oil pails, some old tires, dry wall and a baby stroller( no baby).
Keven wrote: I left out the part where its been there for at least 5 years (since I've moved in), in the middle of the woods along with some smashed tile, smashed microwaves, gallons upon gallons of paint pails , tar pails, and oil pails, some old tires, dry wall and a baby stroller( no baby).
so you'd be stealing from an illegal dump site, wtf
I say go for it
Then report the dump site. It's still not yours.
/has been hassled for cleaning up a dump site //hates scrappers that scrap things that aren't theirs
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: "I noticed that my neighbor's house has all copper tubing in it's plumbing system He has gone on vacation. What is the best way to cut up and remove the tubing?"
I used a set of 18" bolt cutters when I got all the copper out of my house. Easily cuts through 1/2 and 3/4. Plus they may help you get into your neighbors house.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: "I noticed that my neighbor's house has all copper tubing in it's plumbing system He has gone on vacation. What is the best way to cut up and remove the tubing?"
Quickly and quietly.
Talk about scavanging from a building site. There were a few stories in the local news of commercial buildings loosing they AC due to illegal scrapers going up on the roof and removeing any and all valuable metals they found on the weekend when they were closed. Also bronze plates on buildings, monuments, etc, copper gutters from homes, etc. and cast iron manhole covers!
The problem is with the buyers of this scrap. Even with laws passed that they have to see and record an ID of the seller they still take in metals that any person with common sense would know is not legit! As long as there is a market for "scrap" metal there will be thiefs to steal your gas grill or AC condenser from your back yard.
I had a pair of intercoolers stolen from my back yard, along with a bunch of other RX7 parts. Illegal scrappers can die in a fire. Hopefully the fire they set to burn off the casing on that copper wire they stole, which is also an illegal activity. Maybe as they cut the wire out of a live power station.
Derick Freese wrote: I had a pair of intercoolers stolen from my back yard, along with a bunch of other RX7 parts. Illegal scrappers can die in a fire. Hopefully the fire they set to burn off the casing on that copper wire they stole, which is also an illegal activity. Maybe as they cut the wire out of a live power station.
More likely they will die in a turbo RX-7 crash but good riddance none-the-less.
Hmmm, didn;t think it was such a big deal. It's so overgrown with vines/bush I doubt anyone even knows about it. It's not accessible by car, only by walking through my yard and into this area that runs near the highway. Looks like I will let it be
Well, it depends..do you know who owns the land it sits on? If I had an illegal dump site on my property, I'd think I was lucky if there was somebody who wanted to cart it off for free.
move it toward your yard a few feet a day, soon it will be in your yard.
then call the EPA and report the illegal dumping site because of the paint cans.
hotrodlarry wrote: what's that Johnny Cash song? ".... one piece at a time."
Here's that Johnny Cash song.
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