Easy- it was an attack on a politician. People look for reasons, making it a political act makes it easy.
As for the loss of life, remember how much apparent joy is taken when people like Byrd and Kennedy pass, and their seat is left open- in both cases, people "mourned" their loss by telling us that they were reasons for term limits.
In reply to bravenrace:
So denying reality that people want to find blame AND that people do not exactly mourn death these days is the problem?
By reading into my comments that I personally think that this is a political act, when in fact, I don't have the details of what ACTUALLY happend nor can I read the mind of the shooter- that makes you the problem.
Seriously- jump a little higher to the conclusions, bravenrace.
914Driver wrote: Yeah, I thought it was me. OTOH one less emotionally charged political thread is OK.
I believe it was a political act... by a mentally ill individual. The current political climate in this country is something I find troubling. There is a lot of anger / hate and too little intelligent, respectful discussion. I don't think quotes like "Don't Retreat, Reload" or using crosshairs to "target" individuals for removal from office or calling everyone "Nazi" are particularly smart or classy. I think it's unlikely that these examples in any way motivated this guy but the current angry climate in general can certainly push someone already on the edge over it.
"The massacre in Tucson is, in a sense, irrelevant to the important point. Whatever drove Jared Lee Loughner, America's political frequencies are full of violent static."
--George Packer from this article on The New Yorker's website.
alfadriver wrote: And I see a deletion of posts. bummer- might as well just delete the tread.
I was afraid you were arguing with yourself. That got me a little "vacation" a while back.
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