Or rather, a teenager in a second generation Intrepid wrecked it for me. This was kind of a weird accident - I was sitting at a stoplight, on an uphill slope. The car behind me got rear ended so hard it slammed me into the car in front of me, had enough to push that car into the car two cars ahead of me. It was like dominoes with cars. Pretty weird wreck.
Luckily, I'm mostly unhurt, seems like just a couple sore muscles. And the guy who caused the wreck seems to have enough insurance. The body shop thinks the Civic will need $1,700 in repairs. I was already planning to sell it, so if I can get away with it I might just take the check, replace the front and rear bumpers, and the driver's seat, and call it a day.
I'll probably see if I can find a replacement this weekend. Just wanted to let you all know about this.