7/25/12 10:07 p.m.
Didn't think so.
Meh. Mildly entertaining in the way that junk food with no redeeming nutritional value is. If I had any cougar tendencies I'd have been salivating, but alas, most of them were about the same age as my cars.
Well, except for Matthew McConaughey who was about as skeevy as Tom Cruise in "Rock of Ages" but slightly more masculine. Only slightly though, the cast must've cornered the market on wax jobs.
Yeah, I don't think we're the target audience for that film.
My girlfriend went and saw it a little while back. Her report was: "The auditorium was pretty much full of squealy women. I counted 5 men total in there....."
Wife went and said I should start stripping for her.
Grtechguy wrote:
Wife went and said I should start stripping for her.
if she starts stuffing money into your undies, this is a win.....sounds like a great way to fund a challenge car
My wife took our 15-year old daughter to it. Said the theater was pretty empty, but the vast majority were 40-60 year old women. They enjoyed the "show", and appreciated the story(apparently it's based on the life of one of the actors?).
She also asked me to get abs like the actors. I don't think all the crunches in the world would help. 
Grtechguy wrote:
Wife went and said I should start stripping for her.
Girlfriend made a similar comment to me. I think it's fair as long as she returns the favor. 
Soooo... anyone here see "Magic Mike"?
Every time I look in the mirror (kisses biceps)
My wife and some of the girls from work went to see it. All the husbands got a little play that night. I think I like the movie.... But then I think about what was going through my wife's head when her eyes were closed, and I haz a sad...
petegossett wrote:
She also asked me to get abs like the actors. I don't think all the crunches in the world would help.
Now you too can look like the cast of "The 300" without getting off the couch!
How to paint on fake Abs
I saw it with my girlfriend. I was one of 2 guys in the theater of several hundred people. The movie itself was pretty bad, but no worse than a lot of other crap I've seen in the past year. It was (sadly) far more entertaining than The Hunger Games.
petegossett wrote:
She also asked me to get abs like the actors. I don't think all the crunches in the world would help.
Well duh, abz are made in the kitchen.
Why does this remind me of that episode of South Park about broadway theatre....
7/26/12 8:46 a.m.
I got dragged kicking and screaming to it. wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it would be. yes its based loosely on channing tatums experiences as a stripper before he hit it as an actor. very loosely based. great movie for str8t women, gay men. and enough story so that those of us who get dragged to it can tolerate it.
7/26/12 9:08 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Why does this remind me of that episode of South Park about broadway theatre....
Just what I was thinking. Maybe I should take my wife to see it.
Conquest351 wrote:
My wife and some of the girls from work went to see it. All the husbands got a little play that night. I think I like the movie.... But then I think about what was going through my wife's head when her eyes were closed, and I haz a sad...
Just think, turn-about is fair play. Close your eyes and let something(one) go through your head.
As long as you get play its all good.
7/26/12 12:10 p.m.
Since I'm too lazy to google, was this movie a hit???
In this summer of "50 Shades Of Gray" and this, women seem to be pretty worked-up lately. 
I've been killing myself to look more like McConnaghey, FWIW.
7/26/12 1:37 p.m.
I gather it's about penises? That's about all I know, or care to know.
wlkelley3 wrote:
Conquest351 wrote:
My wife and some of the girls from work went to see it. All the husbands got a little play that night. I think I like the movie.... But then I think about what was going through my wife's head when her eyes were closed, and I haz a sad...
Just think, turn-about is fair play. Close your eyes and let something(one) go through your head.
As long as you get play its all good.
LOL True dat. I gave her a hard time about it, but she denied it. We have an understanding though, if Matthew McConaughey comes calling, she gets to go for it. If Jessica Alba comes calling... You get my drift...
I will have to watch it at some point just for the fact that it was filmed locally in the Tampa/St Pete area and supposedly shows more locations than the stupidly popular "Dolphin Tale" which was also shot here.
BTW, if you have seen DT, the scenes from HCJ's houseboat is actually in the little cove where we used to wakeboard every weekend. Mangroves are great for sucking up the waves and keeping the water flat!
7/26/12 11:39 p.m.
Nope, not much penii... but lots of butts and yummy abs. My gay friends wouldn't go see it with me, said it was too tame. There was only one man in the entire audience... my dentist (I dunno how his wife convinced him to go, but I said he was a brave man).
McConnaughey looked great, although I wouldn't wanna touch any of the bills he pulled out of his shorts.