We were blessed with 13" of Mother Nature yesterday. I cleared what I thought was all of it, then we got 6" more last night. You Florida folk can go ahead and snicker if you want.
Going to be 40* later and tomorrow, Tuesday is 50*. Hopefully the folks living near the bottom of the hill are ready.
(the red hitch post on the right is 3ft. tall).

3/24/24 11:01 a.m.
The two worst snowstorms I was ever in were both in April. One in St Louis in the late '80s, one in Maryland in the mid '90s.
But those in FL don't know how much fun a good old snowball fight could be. They also don't know the effects of shoveling snow day after day after day and the aches/pins you get in muscles you never knew you had!
No Time
3/24/24 1:06 p.m.
My wife was in Fryeburg, ME for a girls weekend and this was the scene last night and this morning:

In reply to No Time :
We have family up that way. They got dumped on.
Down here we had 4-5" of snow, then it rained and froze. Took me about 90mins to pound out the Tacoma this morning die to about 3" of ice packed snow. Ice cubes still falling from the trees right now.
Opening day this Thursday- should be sunny in the mid/50's when the game starts at 3pm.
Bring your winter jacket, hat, gloves....

3/24/24 5:57 p.m.
Here in Southern New England, even though we've had a couple "teaser" days, it's been unseasonably cold and windy ... making it even worse. At least no snow. We had a couple inches of rain yesterday and if it'd been a bit colder, well, I don't want to repeat a worn out cliche. I think we're all ready for some seventy degree weather.
Well, guess I'm happy with snow. People 20-30 miles south got slush falling from the sky; heavy enough to pull down trees and wires. Thousands right now without power.😩
Central Vermont
Mr. Crankypants, the Snow-luki

My wife made trails in the yard so the dogs could get around. About 15 inches maybe?
This time of year it melts quickly.
One redeeming characteristic of Michigan is that there's snow in the winter and not just cold and ice like the Great Plains. I don't mind the stuff. NOW would I prefer a sunny day? Why yes, that's exactly what I was grousing about to my pillow just this morning.
40-50mph winds.
Unknown, but plenty, amount of snow.
Snow all night, all day 4/4, and all night until at least 0500 Friday.
I berkeleying cannot wait to move to TN.
4/4/24 7:48 a.m.
stuart in mn said:
This time of year it melts quickly.
Yeah, but the six billion tons of salt that they dump on the road for the 1/2" of slush we got here hangs around forever.
Snow's the thing that happens when the rain doesn't leave, right? Wild stuff. Does it happen often?
Part of the reason I couldn't live up north. The worst I can remember was Feb of 2011 here in OK. We got 15" and then three days later another 8" of snow. I wasn't able to drive my Speed 3 for 2+ weeks since it came from the factory on summer tires.
4/5/24 4:41 p.m.
It hasn't broken 50 and we've gotten like 6 inches of rain in the last week. Yay spring.
Ya but Florida gets hurricanes and has alligators. I will take a good nor'easter over that all day every day.
This storm was weird. We got maybe three inches of snow and lots of rain. I saw a couple of accidents. One was a head on between a newer GMC 2500 and one of those big 4 door Jeep things. A perfect head on offset hit pushing everything back to the A pillar on both vehicles. The speed limit on that road is 40 mp. I am betting one of them hydroplaned on the slush and came across into the other. No clue how the people made out but it was a big hit.
The CDC does not recommend shoveling snow after the age of 45. I don't plan on denying the science in a couple of years.