So I have been looking at the can of spam that I have had on the kitchen counter for a week or so trying to figure out a way to make it,.. .. well.. . less Spamish???
When Belinda said I was feeding the kids tonight I thought that this was my opportunity to try something different. So I plopped the can of spam on a cutting board opened it and with some trepidation peered over the edge of the can and looked in. That pink spammy goodness was staring back at me, just daring me to take it out of the can.
With a couple of weird hand contortions (kind of like working a Rubik cube) the the laws of spam physics released there grasp on the spam and it was out on the cutting board.
There my opponent sat. Teasing me. I swear I could here is taunting me. Then I remembered that I am the big gorilla here and what do gorillas do to there enemies? They peel them!!!!
So next was choosing a weapon. Looking around I stumbled on a cheese slicer gizmo. You know the one that is hiding in virtually every kitchen drawer in north America. The one that you only put out when guests are over and you have the block of cheese on the board with the cracker assortment?
With some interpretation I grasped my newly found weapon. The feel of the surgical steel in my hand gave me the power to overcome the Spam's threat.
With speed and precision I dispatched the block of spam in to a pile of quivering slices each a precise 3 mm in thickness. Quickly I placed 7 of the slices in a warmed cast iron pan I had heating on the stove. Then I heard it. That sizzle of bacony goodness. As the Spam slices slowly browned the smell of bacon started to fill the Kitchen.
Removed from the heat and let cool on the rack once only reserved for the king of pork I called the kids. They came running and were amazed that dad was going to feed them Bacon for dinner.
Then the true test. Had the Spam space time continuum been breached? A small nibble on the golden brown crunchy goodness confirmed that it had and the kids and I scarfed down the entire cans worth that had been fried to golden perfection.
Spam is no longer plays second fiddle to the almighty Bacon. As it has now been transformed in to SPACON.
Well, that solves what Margie should do with that can of Spam that no one else will eat.
i've been eating spam like that for yrs ... wish I'd known you needed a way to eat spam that was quick and easy ... add a slice to cheese as it's finishing frying and cover for 20 - 30 sec ( to aid in the melting ) and it's even better
9/3/12 7:49 p.m.
wbjones wrote:
i've been eating spam like that for yrs ... wish I'd known you needed a way to eat spam that was quick and easy ... add a slice to cheese as it's finishing frying and cover for 20 - 30 sec ( to aid in the melting ) and it's even better
I actually had that for dinner last night. The crispy little bits are the best part.
I read all that to find out you ended up frying it? I thought that was SPAM 101...
Sliced VERY VERY thin is a new thing for me. You literally end up with something that is more like bacon than typically fried spam.
I just had fun writing it more than anything else. Try taking a typical boring event and embellish on it a bit and even tying your shoes can become interesting to read about.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. You should invest in a mandolin slicer.
It's way more fun than the cheese grater.

That's the only way I've ever eaten Spam and its been a long long time. Its pretty good with a little Heinz 57 on it.
SPACON in yur fav baked beans, cuz there's never enuf bacon in the can.
Dipped in egg and then coated with ground crackers then pan fried to a crispy delight. 
9/3/12 9:13 p.m.
I'm sort of wondering if I shouldn't re-grind some spam, fry it till crispy, and put it on top of a burger. Sorta like ghetto bacon crumbles.
I used something like this to slice it.

I was thinking next time I fry it like before then dip it in beer batter and fry it again.. .. .
9/3/12 9:56 p.m.
make sure to feed the spaminal it comes from some spam, for that double spammed in goodness.
Great in spaghetti sauce, learned that camping.
Spam comes in different flavors now... Ive seen bacon, turkey and smoked and Ive only seen them in walmart not the grocery stores which only has the regular and lite.
all the flavors are available in the local grocery stores here 
For a real throwback, dice it, fry it and then add it to a box of Kraft macaroni and (dehydrated fake) cheese! For extra adventure, season with a generous portion of your hot sauce of choice.
9/4/12 7:18 p.m.
Secretariat wrote:
For a real throwback, dice it, fry it and then add it to a box of Kraft macaroni and (dehydrated fake) cheese! For extra adventure, season with a generous portion of your hot sauce of choice.
That sounds awesome and scarry all wrapped in one.
Or you can sprinkle on a Cajun seasoning like Zatarains instead (or in addition to) of the hot sauce.
For breakfast you can use the pan fried parts in omelets or make a "scramble" with hash browns, onions, jalapeños, garlic, bell pepper, salsa or pico, and seasonings/spices of choice. Then scramble a couple of eggs in a bowl and pour into the (cast iron) skillet and cook to the desired doneness...
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I thoroughly enjoyed it. You should invest in a mandolin slicer.
It's way more fun than the cheese grater.
I agree... I recomend going with a Borner brand... (look at amazon)... my 'rents bought their first one back in '82 or so... DO make sure to use the safety gaurd... my dad sliced the tip of his finger off with it...
they had theirs till the early 2ks when they finally decided they needed another.
my wife had a chance to use it while vising dad (mom had passed) and loved it... she bought one made by pampered cheif... it has some saftey thing to keep you from slicing finger tips off... IT SUCKS... we bought a borner and sold the pampered cheif crap.
Secretariata wrote:
For a real throwback, dice it, fry it and then add it to a box of Kraft macaroni and (dehydrated fake) cheese! For extra adventure, season with a generous portion of your hot sauce of choice.
the kids and I had that that other day... kiddos LOVE mac n cheese w/ hotdogs... so figured i'd try this... they like the hotdogs more... but I may have needed to fry the spam a little longer...
Yes, I should have said "It's way more fun to cut the end of your finger off with a mandolin slicer."
Agreed though, the Pampered chef one is crap, although I like their stoneware.