Famous people born 31 years before me were born in 1951. Oh man, there are so many... this will be a long list.
Robin Williams (RIP): Yes, I think. This one would be fun! Can you imagine this guy at the height of his power in a fight? He'd probably rip my throat out in a manic psycho fit with just his armhair though.
Phil Collins: Yes, because although I like him a lot, he did record a bunch of soft rock cheese in the 80's like that cover of "Groovy Kind Of Love" that he needs a swift beatdown for.
Kurt Russell: I can't. He's too cool! The guy behind Snake Plissken, Jack Burton, and so many more awesome characters would be a formidable opponment.
Mark Hamill: Absolutley not! If I struck him down, he would become more powerful than I could imagine!
Michael Keaton: No. He's Batman. He's also got a clone army from that movie Multiplicity or whatever it was, so that is a problem.
John Mellencamp/Cougar/Falcon/Bird/Etc: Yes. I find him extremely annoying for some reason.
Dale "The Intimidator" Earnhardt: Are you kidding me? NO BERKING WAY. Pass in the grass would kick my a**! I would start a tag team with him though.
Lou Ferrigno: No, because even at his age, he'd crush me like a grape.
Jesse "The Body" Ventura: Only if it's a handicap match with me and The Intimidator. The "Goddamn Sexual Tyrannosaurus" would be a formidable opponent!
Tommy Hilfiger: Yes. All of the D-bag kids I went to middle/high school with wore his stupid clothes, so he needs a beating.
David Coverdale: Absolutely not! He's the man, and front man of goddamn Whitesnake. He's also an avid Jaguar owner, as evidenced by his 80's music videos, and they had some interesting hood ornaments, so you kind of have to give him a pass.
Ace Frehley: No. As much as I loathe Kiss (especially Gene Simmons, that punchable pile of crap) Ace seems alright. He gets a pass. Plus, I like his triple-pickup Les Paul.
Sting (the musician): Yes. Although I like The Police a lot, his lame-o solo stuff is burned into my brain from working in a grocery store back in high school. That alone deserves a smack.
Mick Mars: No way! He'd break in half anyway due to his ailments, the poor guy. Vince Neil on the other hand is extremely punchable.
John Deacon (bass player for Queen): No way man. He rules. Plus, he's kind of a recluse, so it would be tough to find him anyway.
Tony Danza: Maybe? But I know if I did, Judith Light would be somewhere in the shadows getting ready to shank me when I least expect it. Probably not worth the risk.
There are more, but some of them were flounder bait, so I purposely left them off.