9/24/12 11:20 a.m.
Anyone know where I can buy this crap? "Moving supply" stores don't carry it, big box stores don't carry it, independent old-timey hardware stores don't carry it, and no one seems to know where I might find some. They will all sell me useless bubble wrap for vastly inflated prices though.

try a craft store for big sheets of foam. Like where you would get fabrics and sewing supplies and what not. I have definitely seen them there before and I would think they are pretty cheap.
9/24/12 11:26 a.m.
Try searching for "Foam-Wholesale" on your favorite search engine. Combine that term with the name of your city, and you will get 1-12 listings, depending on the size of your town.
When buying anything in quantity, don't be afraid to talk to wholesalers. Even if you aren't in the trade, they are generally more than willing to sell retail.
The one JoAnn Fabrics that was close to where I lived at one time carried foam blocks along with the hot wire cutter. Biggest block was like 4x4x2 though. Sheets like that seem like they could come from an upholstery shop too..
That's not styrofoam insulation used on basement walls? Home Depot?
9/24/12 11:58 a.m.
Not styrofoam. I want pliable polyurethane (or whatever) foam, for padding a carry case.
Any craft store in North America. I know you travel a lot. Are you in North America right now?
Open cell is pretty easy to find at craft stores or whatever.
Closed cell is tougher to scrounge and can be pricey. Try looking for camping 'sleeping pads' or exercise mats.
Or get a firm grip on your wallet and go here: Marine Foam
The pourable stuff would be the ultimate for an oddly shaped object.
I saw some just like that at my local Hobby Lobby not two weeks ago. Lots of different sizes too.
My local Army Surplus Store has a huge section of foam. Really thick stuff too, I have made a few travel cases.
9/24/12 5:42 p.m.
I have a Pelican case I'd like to re-foam, so I'm keeping an eye on this thread, too.
I was going to suggest usplastics
but quick google says:
9/24/12 8:43 p.m.
I ended up getting some good stuff at a local upholstry place. It was a bit pricey ($29 for ~3 sq. m, 5 cm thick), but it was in stock and exactly what I wanted. It's padding foam rather than commercial packaging foam but it'll work.