They are in the wrong place obviously! They keep putting them in high traffic areas, whose bright idea was that. All you need to do to reduce accidents with deer is simply move the deer crossing.
They were a lot nicer than my morning show which is where my "ninja" stickers come from. Some of their show is NSFW.
EDIT: MOST their show is NSFW
I feel like I lost 90% of my brain cells from that.
Edit: I lost the remaining 10% from Sperlo's link.
Kenny_McCormic wrote: You don't live in Michigan, you cant complain about deer.
Considering I have a herd of 30 or more that regularly traverse my yard and another 50-100 that invade my neighborhood and make driving at dark & shortly after extremely interesting - on jumped me and my S2000 one night and I had my top down, I think I can complain some too.
I've seen new carcasses on the road leading to our neighborhood just about every day this past 2 weeks. Fortunately I've never hit one.
we also have plenty of deer out here in western MN .. but the herd will be thinned out some this weekend..
And how big are these "deer"? I was getting more at the size than the quantity. In MI a 55mph deer strike can do serious frame damage. I'm told the deer in Texas look more like dogs.
some get pretty big, but mostly they could probably look a 6 foot tall man straight in the eye if you were to walk up to one..
We need to leave the deer crossings where they are. When you try to get the deer to cross somewhere else, this happens
Hit a doe this morning. See the poop on the hood. I bet that one was about 100 lbs gutted. The week of Thanksgiving is when the deer heard is thinned out in Wisconsin!!! I can wait to get my revenge.
Kenny_McCormic wrote: And how big are these "deer"? I was getting more at the size than the quantity. In MI a 55mph deer strike can do serious frame damage. I'm told the deer in Texas look more like dogs.
They aren't moose sized, but they also are no where near a dog size either. I can look them in the eye when we're both standing.
And that the racoons will do more damage than that ittle bitty dent in the Miata. The deer will destroy a car.
carguy123 wrote: Fortunately I've never hit one.
Don't. . . ever. . . say. . . that! That's like saying "It won't rain" or "It can't get worse". I'm not normally superstitious, but I made the mistake of saying that . . . once. For the next year I swear my car had been marked for death by the entire deer population of Southwest Michigan. (They did finally get me, too)
Try hitting a cow, or even a calf. I have seen a calf total out a mid 80's Olds Delta 88. Like undriveable.
I saw a deer wipe out the front end of a Dodge 2500 a couple years back. Guy tried to keep on driving but he had dumped all his coolant.
The morning traffic report called out 5 accidents involving deer one day last week, and we average at least 2 a day this time of year.
The last one I hit did $6500 in damage to the front of a E150. My son has hit 4 of them in the last two years, one of which destroyed the front of his Escort and set off the air bags.
kazoospec wrote:carguy123 wrote: Fortunately I've never hit one.Don't. . . ever. . . say. . . that! That's like saying "It won't rain" or "It can't get worse". I'm not normally superstitious, but I made the mistake of saying that . . . once. For the next year I swear my car had been marked for death by the entire deer population of Southwest Michigan. (They did finally get me, too)
I'm so hoping you are wrong on this one, but just in case I did jinx it, is there any obeisance I can do to the Gods to ward off a deer strike? Run naked through the neighborhood while swinging a rubber chicken over my head and shouting gobbledegook? Smearing my body with . . .
carguy123 wrote:kazoospec wrote:I'm so hoping you are wrong on this one, but just in case I did jinx it, is there any obeisance I can do to the Gods to ward off a deer strike? Run naked through the neighborhood while swinging a rubber chicken over my head and shouting gobbledegook? Smearing my body with . . .carguy123 wrote: Fortunately I've never hit one.Don't. . . ever. . . say. . . that! That's like saying "It won't rain" or "It can't get worse". I'm not normally superstitious, but I made the mistake of saying that . . . once. For the next year I swear my car had been marked for death by the entire deer population of Southwest Michigan. (They did finally get me, too)
Nope, sorry, but its now inevitable. I managed to bob and weave enough that it took them almost exactly a year to get me, but eventually one of them suckers kamikazied the front quarter of my SE-R and then spun around 180 degrees and slammed its butt into the drivers door just to be sure two panels needed replacing. I'd suggest you don a full face helmet, buy a $500 1985 Tempo and get it over with.
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