Alright there is a counter terrorism conference happening the end of next month down in Cali. They normally have mock terrorist attacks in both rural and urban environments so that the people attending can practice and learn new skills for dealing with terrorist threats.
However this year they are going to be adding a new spin and will be adding in a "Zombie Outbreak" into the mix of scenarios. They are saying that they will have "Hollywood" caliber zombies to make for a more authentic situation.
I would like to know. Are these slow or fast zombies? Oh and where can I sign up?
On a serious note what is with the zombie craze even getting into government these days?
I want to not believe they are taking this seriously, but I am actually glad that they are in case of such things happening. 
put on your tin foil hat and ask "what if they know something we don't know?" 
Maybe that is where they are getting their zombies 
Actually, if you think about, zombies make a pretty good "worst case scenario". Mass panic, unexplainable illness (the cause of zombism is still unknown) and, perhaps most importantly, the chance for mass indiscriminate use of firearms. Sounds like the perfect mix of circumstances for a training to me.
rebelgtp wrote:
put on your tin foil hat and ask "what if they know something we don't know?"
CDC Denies Existence Of Zombies
In reply to kazoospec:
That is actually exactly what they said in the article and it makes alot of sense. Heck they are doing the training over Halloween week so they might as well have a little fun. I still want to know where I can sign up 
I hope they are prepared for the real emergency: crowd control when 1,500 shotgun-toting Bioshock II fans show up wanting in on the action.
They are just prepping for next summer's riots. LA is a good place to prep, as they will be needed there.
rebelgtp wrote:
put on your tin foil hat and ask "what if they know something we don't know?"
Way ahead of you. You know zombies are a lot like rioting or protesting citizens...nice cover story they've made...
GameboyRMH wrote:
rebelgtp wrote:
put on your tin foil hat and ask "what if they know something we don't know?"
Way ahead of you. You know zombies are a lot like rioting or protesting citizens...nice cover story they've made...
you all beat me to the punch!
"This is Arcadia. There is no infection. We have food, water, and shelter."
Out of StL, a group started named, Zombie Squad. They use the zombie attack scenario to get people interested in emergency preparedness. Simple, effective.

Yep, it's a great way to get more people to come out and volunteer to be part of a disaster drill. The last one I was involved in was basically all college kids volunteering for the extra credit, and we had maybe 30 people show up altogether.
Last year they used the "zombie" scenario, and had like 250 people come down. I think they also had free pizza and stuff like that.
No one wants to be involved in a dirty bomb attack, everyone wants to play a zombie.
In reply to Dr. Hess:
Shhh you aren't suppose to punch holes in the cover story. 
N Sperlo wrote:
Out of StL, a group started named, Zombie Squad. They use the zombie attack scenario to get people interested in emergency preparedness. Simple, effective.
Thats why they came out with the CDC article. Not because they are expecting zombies, but the preparedness of other scenarios are basically the same(some with and with out firearms).
I act as part of the communications team for the CERT team if the neighboring town. I've got some things to talk through, but networking my town with the one I work with would be a step one, and a zombie plan is step two. Already have my gear ready. Yep, I'm a minor prepper.
If you are into getting #10 cans I would suggest staying with the beans and rice. I decided to bust open a can of TVP(meat) to see what it was like. Holy E36 M3, that stuff is disgusting!

Odd.... The head of CERT just emailed me. He must be lurking the GRM forums....
Uh-Oh, N Sperlo is now a security risk. Blabbing secret zombie prep stuff to the GRM'ers. No 40 cal HP for you.

Is there a bath salt epidemic on the horizon we aren't aware of? 
rebelgtp wrote:
On a serious note what is with the zombie craze even getting into government these days?
I'm sorry. I don't understand your reluctance to attribute lunacy to that quarter. I would look there first.