This is a thread to post your thoughts/beliefs/conspiracy theories about this forum- I'll start:
I believe that the two dudes who regularly post in the "V12 engine mods" thread are just mguar's multiple personalities talking to eachother.
If you have an avatar with a person, animal, particularly expressive car, or anything else with a "face" then that's what I believe you look like- even after I've met you.
I think the EPA has a whole room in their sub-basement for the files they keep on forum members, just waiting for the day when they are authorized to conduct no-knock tactical raids on their own.
The NSA gave up spying on this forum a while back, and placed all of us in the "just plain weird" file.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wrote: If you have an avatar with a person, animal, particularly expressive car, or anything else with a "face" then that's what I believe you look like- even after I've met you.
I look exactly like my avatar.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wrote: If you have an avatar with a person, animal, particularly expressive car, or anything else with a "face" then that's what I believe you look like- even after I've met you.
I totally thought Duke would be wearing the helmet in his one profile pic when I met him. I had never seen his face, only that white helmet. I truly thought I would knock on his door and the Stig would answer. I wondered how I would buy a car from a guy who couldn't talk.
I believe that if I am ever stuck anywhere in the US, I can post something here and a handful of weirdos may show up to help. Payment would be appreciated but not expected and should come in the form of beer and a meal.
I believe that with the population of the forum, there is no question that cannot be answered within 24 hours.
In reply to EvanB: I might look like mine if I ever shaved. That hasn't happened in about seven years so I don't actually know.
I should go as Denholm for Halloween.
Dusterbd13 wrote: I believe that with the population of the forum, there is no question that cannot be answered within 24 hours.
This. Collectively, we know EVERYTHING.
When people speak of the internet making knowledge on every topic available to every person, the purest example of it may be found here. Anything learned here need not be fact-checked. I'm not sure how a cheap racer forum became the nexus of the internet's collected and purified wisdom, but here it is. Ghosts in the machine, I suppose.
Also, I'm 99% certain that given the entire contents of a Radio Shack, a Tractor Supply, and a Harbor Freight the assembled members of this forum could put a person on the moon. And that person would be wearing cargo shorts.
ultraclyde wrote: Also, I'm 99% certain that given the entire contents of a Radio Shack, a Tractor Supply, and a Harbor Freight the assembled members of this forum could put a person on the moon. And that person would be wearing cargo shorts.
We would need lots of fuel, so can we say multiple of each of those stores?
ultraclyde wrote: Also, I'm 99% certain that given the entire contents of a Radio Shack, a Tractor Supply, and a Harbor Freight the assembled members of this forum could put a person on the moon. And that person would be wearing cargo shorts.
Sounds like a challenge, and a perfect story op for JG.
Edit: And that's basically everything NASA used for the Apollo missions - they just didn't have the luxury of those stores being down the street.
EvanB wrote:¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wrote: If you have an avatar with a person, animal, particularly expressive car, or anything else with a "face" then that's what I believe you look like- even after I've met you.I look exactly like my avatar.
I look nothing like mine. I can't actually scowl like that. I am usually smiling.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wrote: If you have an avatar with a person, animal, particularly expressive car, or anything else with a "face" then that's what I believe you look like- even after I've met you.
That's why Margies avatar freaks me out so much.
failboat wrote:Dusterbd13 wrote: I believe that with the population of the forum, there is no question that cannot be answered within 24 hours.This. Collectively, we know EVERYTHING.
Everything? Well damn....I wanted to know about nothing
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