Maybe your right but every so often I miss the good old days where people were smote every so often , to let us know he's serious.
Osterkraut wrote:DirtyBird222 wrote: I often only traveled to the Publixesssss when I really wanted to look at something nice lol. I lived right there off of 20th and 34th where there was a Kash n Karry which is now a Sweet Bay and I could just walk there to get what I needed. It was called the Estates when I lived there no idea what it is now, but I would always see some interesting things there. I do miss having a Wok n Roll though.You lived in the *Estates*? You stuck up rich bastard! I lived further down 20th where the bullets occasionally hit my roof,
Next thing you know he'll be leasing a BMW 335 and trying to convince us that its "Grassroots."
Wally wrote: Maybe your right but every so often I miss the good old days where people were smote every so often , to let us know he's serious.
This afternoon I saw a lady in a local discount drug store wearing PINK crocs...with black socks under them. So what? It's in the high 30s/low 40s here and wearing Crocs in this weather is just plain....silly (I'd rather use another word, but don't want to get in trouble).
Is it just me or do folks get LESS considerate of others up until Christmas Eve....then for a day or 2 actually act civilized?
Dude $565 a month for rent, cable, internet, and utilities how can you beat that? Separate lease from your roommates so if they f something up you aren't liable!
The pool parties in that hood were amazing. I swear though, they were all SFCC girls though lol. - I did almost get shanked with a butter knife by some wanna-be gangsta. - My Trans Am did get doused in beer twice during the two national championships (football/basketball).
John Brown wrote: Can I get a show of hands of all the board members that have been in this particular store?
My store isn't too bad; it's the closest one to sorority row. The best part about the fall semester is renewed scenery after the summer drought.
poopshovel wrote:Wally wrote: Maybe your right but every so often I miss the good old days where people were smote every so often , to let us know he's serious.SAY WHAAAAAA!?
If you go back to the first half of the Bible every so often someone would get hit by lightning or turned into salt for not showing the proper respect.
Wally wrote: My wife just called me a grouchy old pain in the ass for this argument. I have to get dressed even if I'm just running down the block for milk. I can't go out in sweatpants. The place that this really annoys me is church. My wife has got me going again and it seems alot has changed in my absence. The first few weeks the pastor and I were the only wearing proper pants. Most everyone else is in jeans or their pajamas. I'm sorry, but is it too much to ask to put on some Dockers and a golf shirt, and maybe run a comb through your hair before going out to church?
+1. Although I do go in (nice) jeans (give me a break, its the College Newman Center). I get annoyed at ratty T-shirts, or guys in sandals, or girls in pajama pants.... I could go on...
If you want to concentrate on what folks wear to church....we have a couple (somewhere between 3 and 7 )'s hard to tell exactly how many of them there are as these women look like clones/stepford wives... who come to church wearing track suits. And the part I can't figure out is: if they aren't spending any time picking out what to wear and getting dressed...why are they always late?
Men wearing shorts AND t-shirts is just a bit too casual, even for me (jeans and a "polo" or golf-type shirt).
mtn wrote:Wally wrote: My wife just called me a grouchy old pain in the ass for this argument. I have to get dressed even if I'm just running down the block for milk. I can't go out in sweatpants. The place that this really annoys me is church. My wife has got me going again and it seems alot has changed in my absence. The first few weeks the pastor and I were the only wearing proper pants. Most everyone else is in jeans or their pajamas. I'm sorry, but is it too much to ask to put on some Dockers and a golf shirt, and maybe run a comb through your hair before going out to church?+1. Although I do go in (nice) jeans (give me a break, its the College Newman Center). I get annoyed at ratty T-shirts, or guys in sandals, or girls in pajama pants.... I could go on...
The thing that really annoys me nowadays is the new "hippyemo" kids. The emo fad is starting to die off so these kids are bringing some of the emo trend with them to the new "hippy" trend that is coming about. The boys are the worst wearing girls jeans with a flannel shirt that smells like it came out of their grandparents attic with no deodorant and prolly hasn't bathed in a few days. They also were those rectangular black glasses and try to grow their beards out and seem all pure and into nature with their iPods, MacBooks, and iDouches, yet smoke up a chimney and leave their cig butts all over the ground.
Xceler8x wrote: Crocs. F'in horrid shoes. I realize I'm in the minority here.![]()
I came this >< close to saying something to a couple with a kid at the store wearing them.
What scares me is that they have "Croc" phone holders......
DirtyBird222 wrote:mtn wrote:The thing that really annoys me nowadays is the new "hippyemo" kids. The emo fad is starting to die off so these kids are bringing some of the emo trend with them to the new "hippy" trend that is coming about. The boys are the worst wearing girls jeans with a flannel shirt that smells like it came out of their grandparents attic with no deodorant and prolly hasn't bathed in a few days. They also were those rectangular black glasses and try to grow their beards out and seem all pure and into nature with their iPods, MacBooks, and iDouches, yet smoke up a chimney and leave their cig butts all over the ground.Wally wrote: My wife just called me a grouchy old pain in the ass for this argument. I have to get dressed even if I'm just running down the block for milk. I can't go out in sweatpants. The place that this really annoys me is church. My wife has got me going again and it seems alot has changed in my absence. The first few weeks the pastor and I were the only wearing proper pants. Most everyone else is in jeans or their pajamas. I'm sorry, but is it too much to ask to put on some Dockers and a golf shirt, and maybe run a comb through your hair before going out to church?+1. Although I do go in (nice) jeans (give me a break, its the College Newman Center). I get annoyed at ratty T-shirts, or guys in sandals, or girls in pajama pants.... I could go on...
I read an excellent article that postulated that because the "metrosexual" thing has reached it's peak, the natural counter-culture style is a return to manliness. Hence the jeans, flannel, beard, lack of bathing, and smoking.
Of course, being silly little scene kids, they're "DOIN IT WRONG."
Wally wrote:poopshovel wrote:If you go back to the first half of the Bible every so often someone would get hit by lightning or turned into salt for not showing the proper respect.Wally wrote: Maybe your right but every so often I miss the good old days where people were smote every so often , to let us know he's serious.SAY WHAAAAAA!?
I got it the first time. Here's the long version:
"Seeing as most issues of GRM feature a quote by wally in the 'Say What?' section, I hereby declare that this was funny enough to be printed in said section of GRM. Bonus points for the use of the word 'smote.' I peed a little. Thanks, the management."
poopshovel wrote: "Seeing as most issues of GRM feature a quote by wally in the 'Say What?' section, I hereby declare that this was funny enough to be printed in said section of GRM. Bonus points for the use of the word 'smote.' I peed a little. Thanks, the management."
I think they may just need a "Wally Quote of the Month" segment
Tim Baxter wrote: If anyone used the "vote" function on posts, I'd totally do a "post of the day" in the sidebar.
Osterizer wrote: I read an excellent article that postulated that because the "metrosexual" thing has reached it's peak, the natural counter-culture style is a return to manliness. Hence the jeans, flannel, beard, lack of bathing, and smoking. Of course, being silly little scene kids, they're "DOIN IT WRONG."
That's cool and all but you can tell someone being trendy from "manly." Wearing skin tight girls jeans and the nerdyesque glasses don't constitute as manly to me. I have a few flannel shirts in my closet, mainly use them at the 12 hours of sebring and rolex 24. One has sleeves, the other doesn't lol.
There is also a fine line between good hygiene and being manly as well, especially when you are a huge social/public setting such as a university.
DirtyBird222 wrote:Osterizer wrote: I read an excellent article that postulated that because the "metrosexual" thing has reached it's peak, the natural counter-culture style is a return to manliness. Hence the jeans, flannel, beard, lack of bathing, and smoking. Of course, being silly little scene kids, they're "DOIN IT WRONG."That's cool and all but you can tell someone being trendy from "manly." Wearing skin tight girls jeans and the nerdyesque glasses don't constitute as manly to me. I have a few flannel shirts in my closet, mainly use them at the 12 hours of sebring and rolex 24. One has sleeves, the other doesn't lol. There is also a fine line between good hygiene and being manly as well, especially when you are a huge social/public setting such as a university.
Oh, I wasn't attempting to defend them, just explain the reason behind the upsurge.
Osterizer wrote: I read an excellent article that postulated that because the "metrosexual" thing has reached it's peak,
It has? Does that mean I have to stop manscapeing?
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