I liked it a lot. So much that I binge watched it in a few days, and I had never seen the game.
Now I am curious. I do have this old XBox 360 lying around. An suggestions on how to get started with the game?
In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :
Imo start with Fallout: New Vegas, it's my favorite of the 3D fallouts and the stories don't really connect so you can play them in any order
In reply to Beer Baron 🍺 :
I have to disagree. I enjoyed 3 more than NV and I like 4 better than those. 76.... well lets not talk about that.
I've been in the middle of a new Vegas playthrough for a while, I should go back to that one of these days.
I do technically own 76, I got a code with a console I bought. I hear it's been much improved, but unless there's a fully single player ready experience without paying for the subscription, I'm still gonna hold off. Which sucks because it's based in my local area and the Pitt add-on for 3 was rather underwhelming.
I hear 4 is finally getting a generation upgrade. I'll play it again once that comes.
In reply to RevRico :
sadly the 4 update is only for PS5/newest xbone and pc. PS4 owners like me are left wanting.
Agreed on 76. It had a chance to be awesome if they'd offered a single player offline option.
If any of yall have Amazon Prime accounts, FO3 and New Vegas + all associated DLC are absolutely free for PC currently.
I'll be the voice of dissent: Whenever I reinstall a Fallout game, it's almost always FO4 or FO3. I know NV has a vastly superior story, but graphics matter #sorrynotsorry
I tend to agree. Of course I am far more interested in the "feel" or "flavor" of the game than the stories.
I don't remember which one I played first (the one with the atom bomb in the middle of the town?) but the feeling when first leaving the vault was pretty impressive.
Having invested nearly 200 hours into 76, it can be played almost entirely solo.
I never got to play it in the 'terrible launch state' (internet pretty much said no to anything online) so ymmv if you had.
While there are other players on the map, the number plays vs the size of the map makes it very uncommon to run into another player, and most times higher level players are usually more willing to help a newer player than to be a toxic dingleberry. In my playtime I have had 1 toxic encounter, which is much MUCH less than I have had in a general lobby of GTA V but again, ymmv.
Two issues I have is:
1) No cross-play. So playstation plays with playstation, xbox with xbox, pc with pc. Each has their own community but still mostly positive, but does suck to not be able to play with a friend because they have it on xbox and you have it on PC
2) the story exists, but is in no way similar to 3, NV or 4. Mostly fetch quests for the most part. But it is an MMORPG, with various questlines, lots of quests that are their own little sub story with no relevance to the 'main' quest.
The only real time you will find a large group of players in one spot is during an event which you all work together to get through a specific thing and PVP is turned off during the event so no worries about someone being a dick and killing you for funsies. Enemies are leveled to *you* so you never have to worry about joining higher leveled events.
'Fallout First' is the separate paid subscription for the game. It adds a few things like monthly atoms, and a couple of bins for storage but is not mandatory to play the game. 99% of the things in the atom store are cosmetic (1% being the lunch boxes, scout banners, carry weight drink and nuka twist but they just add group buffs. increased carry weight or positive stat increase that last an hour and they rotate daily for 1 freebie)
It's worth at least checking out, it very much has that 'first group out of the vaults' vibe overall. Also with the Pitt and Atlantic city excursions it's a lot of fun.
In reply to DjGreggieP :
I have been casually playing 76 also. I believe it does still require an internet connection to work though, and on PS, that requires a subscription, so I think that is what many complained about.
The one interesting aspect, as you note, is that generally the players try to help one another when they do meet (especially if they are lower level), which is generally super rare online.
I tried to play 76. the tutorial frustrated me enough I quit before I got out of the vault. I should try again. I have a couple friends that are deep level players that would probably gear me up.
If any of you play 76 on PC, I'm on there. Stopped playing around 2021, but I was a fairly high level guy back then
In reply to aircooled :
Ah, that does make sense. I have it on Steam so aside from regular internet connection, there is no additional monthly cost to play.
In reply to calteg :
That's good to know. I've logged thousands of hours across the 3d series, and none on PC. I should fix that, mods would breathe a lot of new life into things.
Rewatching it again and can say I like it a bit more.
I still very much wish it didn't have the modern characters-that-you-cant-super-like-because-realism thing because one character, as limited spoilers as possible, kinda died for me after ass jerky.
Just......make characters that people like please
Did anybody else notice that Cooper Howard was driving a Woodill Wildfire in one of the scenes before the bombs dropped? Or maybe a Kaiser Darren? That's a very hard car to find.
And what was the red car in the first scene. It looked like some kind of Concept Car from 1950s Detroit.
In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :
Fallout universe nuclear powered cars. They split the atom, but never really found the microchip. The wasteland is littered with shells I wish existed in the real world
It took me a second to figure it out. It was one of the special cars in one of the Gran Tourismo games (maybe 6?):
1960 Plymouth XNR
This concept was Plymouth’s answer to the Corvette, and it was gorgeous, with an asymmetric design that featured a dorsal fin that extended from just behind the driver’s head to the trailing edge of the car.
In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :
Probably a Chryslus product by lore.
I see it's an actual concept
I'm curious - has anyone else played Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 the whole way through? I played them when they were first released as a teenager. Honestly, they were probably one of the first computer games I ever played, followed by Tribes, Half-Life, and Team Fortress.
Honestly, I never really got into the First Person RPG. I loved the isometric, slow as molasses, wandering the wasteland hoping you don't encounter BoS or Deathclaws. Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 just seemed go too far estray from what I liked about the isometric RPG. I didn't play 4, mostly because I was disappointed by 3. The story was alright, but just didn't dig the gameplay.
Sounds like the Wasteland series of games with it's Isometric view was pretty close, but many preferred the Fallout Lore.
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