Lindsay Lohan is suing E Trade for the Superbowl commercial where the name Lindsay is used.
Take the royalties from your Disney days and disappear into the corn field. Oy!
3/11/10 6:57 a.m.
I'm just waiting for some deep-pocketed company to try to capatalize on the name Bucky..
Then I'll be sittin' pretty. 
NYG95GA said:
"Honey, get the damn lawyer on the phone!!"
Ian F
3/11/10 7:06 a.m.
"Lohan's lawyer, Stephanie Ovadia, said the actress has the same single-name recognition as Oprah or Madonna. "
Umm... no honey... you are nowhere near that famous...
I think the commercial is cute... but I honestly forgot the "milk-a-what?" girl baby's name was Lindsay...
NYG95GA wrote:
I'm just waiting for some deep-pocketed company to try to capatalize on the name Bucky..
Then I'll be sittin' pretty.
You may want to have some words with Darby Conley. "Get Fuzzy"
That's it, I'm suing Tom Cruise for soiling my first name!
3/11/10 8:43 a.m.
Buckyballs are named after Buckminster, whereas I come from Buchanan. . damn loophole.
I might could nail Darby, but once they found out about my affiinity for snaggle-toothed cats....
These days her only recognition is under the celebutard files.
I'm so very proud I have no idea who the subject of the thread is.
I want those buckyballs. The problem is, I have three young kids. The scenario is this: its' 3 am and I gotta take a leak. The kids didn't listen to me when I told them to put away the buckyballs. I step on the field of little tiny marbles and go flying through the air whilst screaming like a woman.
Not a good day in the Boost household.
3/11/10 2:24 p.m.
Honestly, what on earth is she famous for, other than being one of those starlet train wrecks? I don't think I've ever seen her in anything... was she on TV?
3/11/10 2:27 p.m.
Lesley wrote:
Honestly, what on earth is she famous for, other than being one of those starlet train wrecks? I don't think I've ever seen her in anything... was she on TV?
The 1998 remake of parent trap. My 8 year-old self had a crush on her back then. Then Disney movies, none of them good. Actually, the only good movie I've seen her in (out of maybe three movies) is "A Prairie Home Companion".
3/11/10 2:36 p.m.
She was actually OK in Mean Girls, which was actually an OK movie. (No, that was not one that I put in the Netflix queue.)
Having typed that, I now have to go to the garage and break something while using the wrong tool in a forceful manner so I can feel like a man again.
bludroptop wrote:
Career peak:
Somehow my kid roped me into watching that one Sunday night. I could not believe just how crappy an actress she really is.
I don't think she rose to fame because of acting skills. 
She was at the Pool here at Harrahs last month.. in a letter to the local editor, she SAVAGED the DJ that was playing saying that she would have been better off bringing her friend from NY next time..
the Highlight was during the meet and greet, somebody mentioned that they loved her in parent trap... Lindsey broke into tears and ran off
I actually went to Mean Girls when it was in theaters. It was written by Tina Fey...I cannot argue with that pedigree. It still is one of my favorite movies.
My high-school self found Mean Girls Lohan attractive. Okay, my current self finds Mean Girls Lohan attractive too; too bad she doesn't exist anymore.
mapper wrote:
Lesley wrote:
Honestly, what on earth is she famous for, other than being one of those starlet train wrecks? I don't think I've ever seen her in anything... was she on TV?
Robot Chicken.
She is great in Robot Chicken! 
Everyone who says, prints, implies, or thinks the name Mike owes me $5.
Appleseed wrote:
Everyone who says, prints, implies, or thinks the name Mike owes me $5.
Me too. So that means you owe me $5.
Wait... but then I owe you $5. 
3/11/10 8:31 p.m.
Jensenman wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
Everyone who says, prints, implies, or thinks the name Mike owes me $5.
Me too. So that means you owe me $5.
Wait... but then I owe you $5.
Well, this one makes it confusing. Jensenman and Appleseed, you each owe me 5 dollars. But I owe each of you 5 dollars. And you each owe each other 5 dollars. Can we do this in the form of beers?