For several days last July, Trojan handed out vibrators from big purple trucks parked outside of New York City bars. Apparently summer is the season for sex toys on wheels, because today and tomorrow, Trojan is back with a new gimmick: sensual hot dog carts. Explains the New York Times:
Trojan plans to distribute 5,000 each of the Tri-Phoria device, which retails for $40, and the Pulse, which retails for $30, for a total retail value of $350,000. It goes without saying, surely, but Trojan asserts this is the biggest handout of vibrators ever. This is all part of Trojan's plan to make buying a sex toy as normal as picking up a pack of gum—or at least a pack of condoms. If you want to be one of the lucky 10,000 people accepting a vibrator from a hot dog truck, consult the list of times and locations after the jump.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8TH 11am—12pm: Sixth Ave between 48th and 49th 4pm—6pm: Fifth Ave between 23rd and 22nd; the corner of Pearl and Broad 7pm—10pm: 14th St and Tenth Ave; Third Ave between 12th and 14th
THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th 4pm—6pm: 17th St and Broadway; Lafayette between Broome and Spring 7pm—10pm: Third Ave between 33rd and 38th; 14th St and Tenth Ave
fasten some 120 grit paper to the bottom of that cart n turn all them vibrators on n yul have the largest floor sander in NYC
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