TIL rocket motors, Hot Wheels and launching sharp pointy things is good fun.
To ruin a paint brush in 5 seconds or less, finish shellacing something and run the brush under water.
TIL when you're a two year old, the first time your feet fall asleep is a rather scary thing.
TIaL (Today I also Learned) that my wife and I are getting closer to the 'lets buy that house' decision.
There is always someone that will pick up a bottle of amber liquid off the sidewalk and sample it in case it was mistakenly filled with Old English before it was discarded. So far it's been a bottle of piss every time but there are still some optimists walking around out here.
TIL that our house has only been for sale for less than 24 hours, pictures posted for even less time, and we already have three showings today, two tomorrow and one on Friday. YIL (Yesterday I Learned) that our offer to purchase our 'forever house' was accepted; now just to sell our home.
Who needs to sleep when there are kids to take care of, projects to finish on the house, a job, a wife, and coffee.
TIL: an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but five pounds of delicious Galas and Honey Crisps in a week is ill advised.
TIM (met) a woman whose last name is Wert.
First time I've encountered a name that is actually spelled on a keyboard.
In reply to Streetwiseguy:
Yui is a not uncommon Japanese name. So theoretically, if you go with surname-given name ordering, there could be a Wert Yui in the world, a complete name that can be spelled just by trilling the keyboard and bapping the spacebar halfway through.
RossD wrote on Jan 18th: TIaL (Today I also Learned) that my wife and I are getting closer to the 'lets buy that house' decision.
RossD wrote on Jan 24th: TIL that our house has only been for sale for less than 24 hours, pictures posted for even less time, and we already have three showings today, two tomorrow and one on Friday. YIL (Yesterday I Learned) that our offer to purchase our 'forever house' was accepted; now just to sell our home.
Well, that escalated quickly!
TIL that I have plenty of ground clearance in the 4 runner to run over traffic cones that are laying down.
In reply to EastCoastMojo:
YIL our offer to purchase ammended to remove any contingencies was accepted.
TIL the we have an offer on our current house. Hopefully we can come to an agreement!
TIL it is possible to purchase a home and sell another one in a week! Prepare for a new RossD's Home Rehab build thread. This one might have some work in the fields!
TMSL(today my son learned) what whisky throttle means. He looped out on his CRF 80 while trying to roost me. He took it really well.
TIL: The state of Ohio has exceptions to their 102" OA width measurement for buses and 'traction engines', but not emergency vehicles. So your turn of the centery steam threasher can go down the road being wider than 102" but your ambulance cannot.
In reply to Madhatr:
Where would you find an ambulance over 102" wide? Farm equipment gets all kinds of passes because they don't spend much time on the road and municipal buses usually get a pass within their area but again I don't know where you'd find one that wasn't under 102 inches.
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