This is a big, complicated, and heavy one. I am a Mental Health Counselor and see clients at a community non-profit for mental health. A large percentage of my clients are receiving cash assistance from the state Department of Social and Health Services "Aged Blind and Disabled" program for a mental health disorder. This program provides $197 per month and requires clients receive mental health services (paid for by their Medicaid insurance through the state) and apply for SSD benefits from the Federal government. Now, there's nothing wrong with that program in and of itself, I have had a significant number of clients be able to improve their lives thanks to that tiny portion of income with such successes as obtaining employment, ending homelessness, and resolving their mental health concerns and returning to their regular lives.
The issue that arises is the marijuana usage. Here in Washington, marijuana is legal and is available on nearly every street corner. There are more dispensaries in this town than Starbucks. I have clients that are using up to a gram of 99% THC marijuana condensate or wax up to 5 times daily and do not consider it drug use or addiction. I have clients that vape marijuana e-juice literally just about every waking moment. The vape box/pen does not leave their hand from when they wake until they go to sleep. I have clients that have housing paid for through other social services, food paid for by EBT/Basic Food, and then spend their ABD money on marijuana every month. They are literally living completely on the public assistance system to spend their entire lives high.
I have been working with my supervisor and employer on this issue as far as the clients go, but I just don't know how to keep working with this population without doing something else. I see people struggling with minimum wage jobs and making smart choices and working their butts off get basically next to no help, and then I have to deal with someone who is only coming to me to ensure that they continue that handout for their drug money. I want to be able to sleep at night and look myself in the mirror, so how do I continue signing their ABD paperwork stating that they are fully participating in resolving their mental health diagnosis when they are not?
Again, I have been getting guidance from my supervisor and such, I guess I am more looking for moral guidance or any suggestions on how to help disrupt the system so it doesn't get soured for those that actually need it?
Thank you,