Why have the Canuks produced so many good comedians and comedy shows? Trailer Park Boys is you say, pure genius.
They're working on producing a movie. Should be a blast. I did some drawings for their racecar livery, it was cool to be involved:
Don't they do the Targa regularly?
"Kitties ain't spossed ta smell like cigretts, theyr spossed ta smell like kitties"
TR8owner wrote: Why have the Canuks produced so many good comedians and comedy shows? Trailer Park Boys is you say, pure genius.
Long winters with lots of free time would be my guess, either that or free healthcare so noone needs a job.
N Sperlo wrote: Another boy band?
I've only ever watched the Trailer Park Boys once and I am from Canada. I don't do TV comedy (or really, TV in general).
When I get my own TV station, I'm going to air a lot of Canadian content. Trailer Park Boys, Red Green, Seeing Things, all very funny.
I watched the first five or six episodes and sort of ran out of steam. Maybe it was a little too close to home.
I hate reality shows, though, so that part of the format sort of grated on my nerves.
And speaking of insane canuck comedy, Anyone ever watch Puppets Who Kill?
Cause ya should, but you'll have to find the DVD to do so.
I abso-berkeleying-lutely love Trailer Park Boys. I was hooked on them a year or so age when they would air two episodes every Thursday on channel 101 on Directv. Bubbles just made me piss myself laughing whenever he was on screen. Also Ricky's made up words and mis-pronunciations would have me in tears. To this day I still pronounce Jalapenos the way Ricky does. If you watch the show you will get it. Also the shear amount of E36 M3 box american land yacht's on the show is worth the price of admission.
"I'll tell ya bubs, smokin dope and playin wit model trains is a good berkeleyin time."
It is my firm belief that The Swayze Express is the MVP of Sunnyd(v)ale?
DukeOfUndersteer wrote: I want to quote J-Roc, but every third or fourth word would be berkeley or E36 M3
"What, are you from the know-what-I'm-Census? Know what I'm sayinnnn!"
"I hear, cheeseburgers coagulatin', but you know what I don't hear, Randy? A heart, yo."
And one of my favorite Ricky quotes: "I'm getting drunk as berkeley tonight! DRUNK AS berkeley!"
Standing on a car, holding a beer and a cigarette, shouting that into a megaphone. That quote will never get old. The show is genius.
A very good friend of mine was born and raised in New Brunswick. He says Trailer Park Boys is frighteningly close to a documentary.
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