I've done D.C. a few times in high school and college, but SWMBO has never been. We have a friend getting married in Springfield Maryland, so we decided to take advantage of the situation and do a sight seeing vacation.
Hotels are booked, we've got a room in Springfield for the night of the wedding, and we've got a room in D.C. near the National Mall.
Question now is where do I fly to? We need to be back home day after the wedding, so flying out of Baltimore would be the quickest option.
Should I fly into Baltimore too? Train from Baltimore to D.C., there's a Metro station a block from our hotel in D.C., spend a few days in D.C., train back to Baltimore, rent car at airport drive to Springfield for wedding, then back to airport to catch our flight home the next day?
Any suggestions on things to do and places to eat? All the usual suspects i.e. monuments, Arlington, Smithsonians, Capitol, Library, etc. are on our to-do-list. Every time I've been before have been on larger group tours with everything planed for you, haven't done much freestyle touring, and for sure haven't tried many restaurants.