1 ... 97 98 99 100 101 ... 103
JFW75 New Reader
1/11/25 2:58 a.m.

In reply to Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) :

I do have a Westfalia Kepler 6 with red tags.....

Don't think SWMBO would go for it though.


Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/13/25 1:10 a.m.

In reply to JFW75 :

oooooooh, I would love a Westie.  My youngest is nuts over the things (I swear, I don't know where he gets THAT from).  We're both drooling over that new van that VW is releasing.  If we could snag one of them and that new $10,000 pickup that Toyota is supposed to be releasing soon, we'd be in hawg heaven!

Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/13/25 1:40 a.m.

So there we were.  Topless and headed across the Dnieper River.  Eastbound and down with a generator and some Christmas care packages for some people who can really use such things right now...

(A quick note as we go forward.  I don't think anyone would have much trouble figuring out where we're going from here, but all the same I've decided to rename the cities we'll be visiting.  This part of the trip involves active duty military personnel and I don't think we need to give exact directions to where they were)

Our first stop is going to be at Dr. Julia's place, and I know it's a ways off still but the highway right now is DAMN nice.  It kinda catches both VikkiDp and I off guard.  Add in city traffic and some REALLY nice hotels (that are lit up in neon lights) and this wasn't what we were expecting at all.

Fuel is on my mind as I know benzine gets short the closer you get to the front (hence, why a diesel generator was requested) but we're just over 2/3 of a tank at the moment so I don't want to stop to top up.  There's a voice in my brain that's telling me "you know that this is going to flip like a  light-switch, right?  Any second now, this nice stuff is going to stop and things are going to get serious..."

I know that voice is right, but stopping at 2/3 of a tank just seems like poor time management.  About the time I'm done arguing with myself, the voice was proven right as we hit a checkpoint and the light switch flips.  Gone now is the smooth multi-lane road and the neon city lights. Before us is 1-lane in either direction, and a singular fuel station off to the left.  Unfortunately traffic is moving fast, and I don't want to disrupt it by swerving left.

Onward we continue until that 2/3 of a tank drops to 1/3 and no we're REALLY looking to stop.  It's been a bit of a long road and we haven't seen a single fuel station in quite some time.  One eventually DOES pop up, but it's a 1-pump operation and payment with a credit card isn't available (we have cash with us, but are trying to save it for when we're a bit closer to where we're going).  With the only jerry can in the back full of diesel for the generator, this isn't good news.  Of note at this station, and an indicator of where we now are, is a canvas covered troop hauler with a group of armed soldiers hanging around.  We have their undivided attention as the only other vehicle in this station.

The attendant at the station informed us that the next stop for fuel was only 8km down the road, so we decided to push further and save our paper money until it was absolutely needed.  We're down to 1/4 tank now, and this is the part of the gauge that seems to disappear the fastest so i am getting a little concerned.  We do make it to the next station, but it was certainly further than 8km.

With the fuel topped up, we can now focus 100% on the drive.  Naturally, it's pitch black at this point and traffic (especially with the slow-to-move military vehicles) is TOUGH.  At one point (and because we kept stopping) we had to pass the same 6 military trucks three different time.  Of course this was made all the more difficult because of the missing third gear.  I mean, we could REALLY floor it in 2nd, but 4th slows us to a crawl ever time.

We do notice the sign announcing our arrival into the Donetsk Oblast though and make a note that we will absolutely have to stop there tomorrow for pictures in the daylight.

The next checkpoint we come to is far more serious than any of the previous.  No longer is the casual "civilian, volunteer, destination" information sufficient to be waved through, these guys want to see papers, know what we're hauling, and specifically where these things are headed.  I'm very lucky to have Vika in the truck to translate and eventually we're waved through.

Also lucky is us having both our heads about us because GPS doesn't know or care where the contested territory is and is all to happy to re-route us through the no-no zone when we miss our left turn onto the safe route.  A simple u-turn was all that was needed, but it's a good reminder that we can't get complacent in this part of the country.  Once sorted, the road is now mostly mud and snow and it is  BUSY.  Commercial semi-trucks and military vehicles are the norm and the track isn't really wide enough for the two of them.  Sprinkled in the middle are some insane drivers of 4-wheel drives and Ladas, and this is a bit of an experience.  Especially the part where I decided to drop my passenger tires off the track around a particularly sharp right-hand turn with three oncoming semi-trucks, only to have it disappear mid-curve.  The unfortunate part about THAT was the semi-trucks had taken up the extra room I had provided them so when I joggled the steering wheel right to get back up on the pavement before we slid into god-knows-what, we were danger close to getting some new pin-stripes down the driver's side of the truck.

At one point we were following a Zsiguli that seemed to know the area pretty well.  I was watching the GPS map when he swerved for a pothole that ended up swallowing up my entire passenger tire.  The resulting "BOOM" was enough to joggle the passenger window down a bit and now the cab was filled with a whistling wind noise at speed.

"do you need to check that?" VikkiDp asked

"NAH!" I replied, giving me some pretty good flashbacks to the beginning of the Bamako run.  Balloon tires for the win!

I tell you what though, I am REALLY missing 3rd gear right now.  This whole road is just too fast for 2nd and a bit too slow for 4th...

Out the other side of fury road was a city that was actually pretty damn nice.  I ask what the name means, and VikkiDp tells me.  It fits, and is a rather pleasant place to be.

Also pleasant is the snacks VikkiDp has packed.  Clear of the mud and insane drivers now, she breaks out some bread and cheese and sausage and that serves as our "road dinner" for the night.  It's about this time that we lose our Zsiguli that's served as our lead.  All the well, though as he was moving a bit slow in the city driving.  When we make it through to the road that's going to take us to Dr. Julia-ville, guess who reappears in front of us!

I guess this guy knows these roads after all!

Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/13/25 2:08 a.m.

We make it to Dr. Juliaville with some time to spare before curfew.  That was a tough drive and having a deadline like that hanging over our heads wasn't fun.  We had a bit of trouble finding the house she's in, but eventually make it.  When we do, she has a team of men already out and ready to unload.

Now you think I'd know what I was hauling in the back of the truck (and I do) but still, I'm surprised at how many boxes we have.  It's a good minute or two that VikkiDp and I are in the back handing out boxes to waiting hands before we have everything unloaded.  That makes me kinda happy.

The generator is placed in the yard of the house we're at, and then covered with a sheet of scrap metal (like maybe from a tin roof) before we're invited on inside.

In the house I'm immediately transported back to my childhood, growing up in small cabins scattered across the cascade mountains.  The only difference is that was "logging" and this is "military".  Still though, everything inside is just as familiar to me as the backs of my eyelids.  Boots are scraped, and stomped clean before heading up the steps.  Inside is WARM and heavy jackets and hats are hung on the already overloaded hooks near the door, rifles are leaned up against the wall in the corner. 

The kitchen is off to the left and we're invited in after washing up.  In the kitchen is a lady named "Chef" and she will not take "No" for an answer when it comes to "do you want something to eat?".  Her facilities consist of a refrigerator, a small gas stove, and a single basin sink that's mounted to a skeletal wood structure that I'm sure someone hammered together long ago.  Stuffed in every corner are cans of food, and bottled water.  We're sat at a table against the wall in three chairs.  It's just Chef, Dr. Julia, VikkiDp, and I and the conversations start.

On the table is Kutia


And on the stove is Vernyky


Which the recipe I just linked is for a spud filled dumpling, ours are filled with kaposhta (cooked cabbage)

The Kutia is DELICIOUS, but I only take a pinch.  You gotta remember that VikkiDp and I had only JUST finished eating our bread, cheese, and sausage.  But like I said, Chef ain't listening to our protests, so now before us is a plate HEAPING with Vernyky...

I only meant to eat one or two (just to be polite) but by the 5th one (they really are that good) VikkiDp is making fun of me trying to say "no more".

Sufficiently stuffed, we can now go over what's in the boxes (I have no idea where the unpacking team went at this time, but assume they're still in the house).  We pull out the tablet, and show the freeze dried meals in that "wolfpack" kit we brought (Dr. Julia says these will be great for in the trenches:  Just add hot water!).  When struggling to open the kit, I'm given another reminder of my childhood when as soon as it was noticed that I was having trouble getting the lid off everyone in the room immediately pulled out a belt-knife of some variety and offered them to me (ultimately I chose to use my swiss army knife, but we all had a good laugh).

I also make sure that she knows the chocolates and protein bars are in there.  They were a hit with the SF units in Kursk when we sent them last time, so I'm hoping they're well received here too.  The little fake Christmas tree is good for a bit of a laugh, but Dr. Julia doesn't realize it lights up yet (we'll get a message later from her when she notices and turns it on) and of course pictures are taken:

The tablet and card you see are from a donor on the Kyiv Independent's discord server.

The visit is long and jolly, but it's time to move on now as this isn't where we're going to be sleeping tonight.  Outside the house, VikkiDp and I notice another bit of Christmas cheer though and I snap a quick picture.

Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/13/25 2:25 a.m.

Across town is where we'll be staying.  We're a bit concerned about parking the truck with no roof on it, but ultimately decide there aren't going to be too many people poking around at night.  All the same, Dr. Julia points out a spot that makes the truck visible from the window in our room. 

The room itself is actually familiar to me, but I didn't realize it immediately.  It's the place where our previously donated EKG machine was set up!  Here's a shot of it in use (but the room was empty when we were there)



This was a donation from Katie's paypal fundraiser, that Mrs. Hungary drove in while I was in Germany.  I send Katie the above photo of me to let her know that I've seen her EKG in person, and I send Mrs. Hungary a message letting her know we're here and safe.  Bed tonight are going to be two hospital beds, and I tuck in for the night.  VikkiDp, unfortunately, has work to do still and sets up her laptop to get to it.

Night everyone!




DarkMonohue GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
1/13/25 3:45 p.m.

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special announcement. Winners of the promised Ugears raffle prizes for Dnipro Express Christmas donors have been selected!

JFW75: Fire and Forget
11GTCs: Brave UA Tractor
WonkoTheSane: Liberation of Snake Island
Driven5: The Tractor Wins
Flynlow: Ghost of Kyiv

Please contact me and I'll get these sent out to you.

Thank you to all who contributed to this run, to all who have contribued to all the past campaigns, and to everyone who will contribute to those yet to take place!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. 

11GTCS SuperDork
1/13/25 7:02 p.m.

In reply to DarkMonohue :

PM sent!  Thanks so much!

Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/14/25 1:45 a.m.

In reply to DarkMonohue :


I can't wait to see these put together.  Congratulations everyone, and a huge thank you to you Mr. Monohue for the prizes!!

Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/14/25 1:49 a.m.

We begin today's update with a photo I forgot to attach yesterday


There we go, now we're all caught up wink

Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/14/25 2:41 a.m.

VikkiDp and I are up around 4:30am and there are audible explosions over the horizon.  Right now, the two of us are having a good laugh at the coffee we're drinking.  It's advertised as "gourmet special coffee: and it's anything but.

Breakfast is some mushroom soup in a cup and a muzli bar that VikkiDp brought to the place with us.  I'm getting caught up on messages home, but internet is spotty so we have to stand in certain places in the building to get reception.  This isn't a big deal when it comes to the messages, as I can hit "send" and just let the phone do its thing, but it's a real pain when it comes to route planning as that is done in real-time.

Our route today is a bit safer than it was yesterday (even though we'll be much closer to the contact line) as it doubles back west before proceeding directly east to our destination.

I did disable the truck last night (I can disconnect the connector to the ignition coil ballast and hide the wire pretty easy, so it's what I do if I'm nervous about theft) so I connect that back up.  I also have to mess with the tent/tarp as I didn't quite have enough time to get to that last night when we were having our big meet.  Eventually we're safely away and the drive is pretty easy and uneventful.  There are some dirt roads, but not much traffic at this hour.

We meet Yaroslav at a fuel station and say our hello's.  He takes us back to his workshop/sleeping quarters.  It's a shed that had been partially destroyed.  They've rebuilt the structure and insulated the heck out of it.  Inside is warm, and cozy. 

Mostly we talk work.  Like I said, this is a work shop so there's a bed, and a work bench, and shelving full of consumables (some of which go "boom!").  We talk about the personal drone jammer he's been working on.  He's making a few modifications to it.  We also talk about the goodies we brought.  He's received another care package from a German donor named Cathrin.  If you remember Yaroslav losing his uniforms and boots in a drone attack, she's the woman who was able to get Yaro some trousers and an IFAK on short notice.  He's also received 5ea tourniquets from a member of a logistics group I participate in.  He's going to take two of them, and give the remaining three to the units medic.  We talk about the body armor, and his helmet (which he's modified a bit for fit and comfort).  I hand VikkiDp the armor and it is HEAVY.  Good stuff.

He's got a little "Christmas Corner" set up in the shop, and with some of the things we brought, it looks something like this:

Afterwards we head out.  He wants to show us around town.

First stop turns out to be a bombed house (aviation bomb, I believe).  It's at the edge of town and next to it, as well as behind us, all of the surrounding buildings are damaged.  All the glass is gone, and the roofs are leaning away from the blast.


A child behind me is poking his head out of a second story window to watch us.  I catch him checking out the truck once or twice.

I should mention at this point, that the explosions are near-constant now.  It's rare to hear a break between the ka-booms.  Yaroslav mentions that he doesn't even notice it anymore.

Next stop is a school that's been destroyed

I recorded a video to try to capture the sound of the thuds of the explosions but it doesn't do a very good job (it almost sounds like it's just wind...).  Maybe I'll upload it to my youtube channel after I finish with the updates (I gotta change computers to do so, sorry).

A few of the explosions I didn't capture really POP, but most are just dull thuds.  Again, still constant.

We decide to take a photo while we're here and to do so we decide to move the truck:


About that picture: it wasn't something I really thought through and it was definitely a learning experience when it came to my situational awareness and the gravity of the situation before us.  Because believe me when I say that there is nothing in my life (and I really do mean NOTHING, in my life) that could have prepared me for the sound that rubble from a bombed out school makes when its crushed under my own tires.  I think I did a pretty good job hiding it for the pictures, but my gut is wrenched pretty solid there.


Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/14/25 3:02 a.m.

Next up we head back to the edge of town for a cup of coffee at the cafe.  It'll be the first time since our arrival that I'll have a chance to take in my surroundings, here's my impressions:

People looked clean, sharp, sober, equipment was running up and down the main road, and people seemed like they were in good spirits.  Of course, the civilians are STILL living out here.  Obviously the coffee shops are open and we're sat at a table(again, this is with constant audible explosions in the background), but you could also still get petrol from the fuel stations and still pay with your credit card while doing it.  This is the sort of mixed population of military and civilians that was something I've never seen outside of WW2 films.

Convoy of trucks and armor?  Check.  They pass and then you see a guy across the street walking his French bulldog like it's just another normal day in Tha 'Kraine.  Over our cup of coffee, three guys enter the cafe in plate carriers and are shouldering rifles (one pays with the contactless option from his smart phone).  Drone jammers are on about half of the vehicles here, and a civilian guy outside has a gigantic barbecue and is getting ready for the lunch rush.  Canvas covered supply trucks are being followed by a freshly washed Mercedes SUV.  Old ladies are gathering on the corner to gossip.  Christmas lights are hung and turned on and flashing at night.  Some of the houses still have perfectly manicured yards with shaped bushes and everything! 

We're having a good chat over coffee as Yaroslav has taken to adding irish cream to his.  It tastes exactly like I'm expecting, but is WAY too sweet for VikkiDp.  The situation where we're drinking straight black (and definitely not "gourmet special") coffee while the soldier among us is drinking his with irish cream sets a light mood, and we're all smiles and laughs.

Even these things that we see in town that we found so odd at first become so darn casual so fast that it's not until we leave that we're zapped back into the reality of the dangers of our situation.  See, we're saying our goodbyes now and the fuel station is just down the road and to the right.  VikkiDp and I are discussing it in the cab of the truck and we decide we might as well top up.  Yaroslav sees me point and VikkiDp's nod of approval.  He thinks that's they way we're going to head out of town and comes back up to the truck to let us know that's drone contested territory.

We're able to explain that we're just going to the fuel station, but that's how quick things go from "cup of coffee with civilians" to "lives in danger" around here surprise

Heading out of town, we're stopped at the first checkpoint.  It's the usual "civilian, volunteer, and where we were" but by the third question I can tell that the guard is getting suspicious that the driver (me) isn't answering when he's directly questioned, and that the passenger (VikkiDp) is doing all the talking.  I put together the only two words I know in Ukrainian and say "I'm American" which has the effect of immediately easing his concerns.

Our drive out was much like our drive in.  I can hear the alternator belt chirping at 2500rpms now, and I'm really missing 3rd gear (for passing traffic mostly).  Which reminds me, there was one road rage incident where we were making a (safe) pass in a passing zone and the driver of the oncoming vehicle swerved into our lane after we had merged back into it.  I adjusted right and didn't have to take much in the way of evasive action (he had his fist shaking and everything!), but VikkiDp and I just agreed that it was an odd experience and continued on.  A short while later we'll see a nasty accident that looks like it may have been caused by unsafe passing traffic.  I'll decide that was the root of the previous driver's rage.

We do stop at the Donetsk sign though and get some photos



The Express was here wink



Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/14/25 3:59 a.m.

We notice Yaroslav's unit has erected their version of a Christmas tree at the site, so we snag photos of that as well:



Homeward bound now, the truck is fast and light.  VikkiDp is dropped off and has to go immediately to the office for work.  Life, it seems, has gone back to normal.  It's a completely different world this far from the contact line, and I don't know how well I could describe it.  The whole experience reminded me of my first trip to Lviv earlier in the war.  The military presence, the gravity of the situation...  Everything about it, from the constant explosions over the horizon to the drivers coming in from the east at blistering speeds to avoid becoming an easy target for a drone pilot...  You don't really comprehend just how... INVOLVED everything you observe is until you step back out of it.

And now that we've stepped out of it, I have this damn urge to go back in... 

There's nothing else for it.  I may not be home yet, but the next drive's starting now  devil


Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/14/25 9:50 a.m.

And with that, I've finished editing the children's portion of the video.




I'm going to edit a second video to include the military side of the house, but I'm not sure how I want to do that yet (all in one, or two separates).  The reasoning behind this lies with GoFundMe's rules, and I don't want to run afoul.  While none of the funds raised there were used for anything military or for any military members (nor did they fund the drive to the military members), we were carrying aid destined for the units. 

So this video is going to be posted as their final run report wink

WonkoTheSane GRM+ Memberand UberDork
1/14/25 11:35 a.m.

Damn Bill.. That's one helluva report.  That video hit hard, I'm sure for everyone, but especially for those of us with kids in that range.  I'm glad to see them looking warm and happy, and you and Vikki are amazing for continuing to make these deliveries, especially missing Christmas day with your own family!


WonkoTheSane GRM+ Memberand UberDork
1/14/25 11:36 a.m.
DarkMonohue said:

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special announcement. Winners of the promised Ugears raffle prizes for Dnipro Express Christmas donors have been selected!

JFW75: Fire and Forget
11GTCs: Brave UA Tractor
WonkoTheSane: Liberation of Snake Island
Driven5: The Tractor Wins
Flynlow: Ghost of Kyiv

Please contact me and I'll get these sent out to you.

Thank you to all who contributed to this run, to all who have contribued to all the past campaigns, and to everyone who will contribute to those yet to take place!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. 

Woot!  I'll shoot you a PM :)

VikkiDp HalfDork
1/15/25 8:31 a.m.
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) said:
JFW75 said:

Well done Bill. 
Wish I was a bit closer and could help with the driving. 


Nah, man.  We'd put you in a second vehicle and fill that thing to the sky as well!  Add in Mrs. Hungary in her kombi and....

I definitely like this idea!!! let me join you all smileydevil

I do have a Westfalia Kepler 6 with red tags.....

Oooo!!! I can just imagine how much stuff we could load in there blushlaugh

VikkiDp HalfDork
1/15/25 8:39 a.m.
WonkoTheSane said:

Damn Bill.. That's one helluva report.  That video hit hard, I'm sure for everyone, but especially for those of us with kids in that range.  I'm glad to see them looking warm and happy, and you and Vikki are amazing for continuing to make these deliveries, especially missing Christmas day with your own family!


Believe me, that's just a brief description of what was going on and how we felt, but still very accurate.

We're not gonna stop!!! We have big plans devil 

VikkiDp HalfDork
1/15/25 8:42 a.m.
DarkMonohue said:

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special announcement. Winners of the promised Ugears raffle prizes for Dnipro Express Christmas donors have been selected!

JFW75: Fire and Forget
11GTCs: Brave UA Tractor
WonkoTheSane: Liberation of Snake Island
Driven5: The Tractor Wins
Flynlow: Ghost of Kyiv

Please contact me and I'll get these sent out to you.

Thank you to all who contributed to this run, to all who have contribued to all the past campaigns, and to everyone who will contribute to those yet to take place!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. 

Guys!!! My congrats and many thanks from me for your support!!! heart 

Those prizes are AWESOME!!! Thanks Aaron heart


Hi everyone!!! Have a good time to you all!!!

Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/16/25 3:15 a.m.
WonkoTheSane said:

Damn Bill.. That's one helluva report.  That video hit hard, I'm sure for everyone, but especially for those of us with kids in that range.  I'm glad to see them looking warm and happy, and you and Vikki are amazing for continuing to make these deliveries, especially missing Christmas day with your own family!

Thanks man.  As a father of two myself, and knowing Dr. Julia is a mother, it warms me to the soul to see those children smile in spite of everything they're going through.

I had this one typed up last night but got caught up editing the second video and didn't have time to post.  I'm sorry for hitting you with it in quick succession, but here goes.  I call it "This One's For You":

I didn’t even see the whole movie the first time I saw the scene.  I think my parents rented “Good Will Hunting” over the weekend and I just happened to catch a passing glimpse of it.  All the same there's a scene that stuck with me my entire life (anyone who knows me already knows what comes next).

It’s a scene with Robin Williams portraying a counselor to Matt Damon (who, in turn, is playing a hot headed know it all).  Robin Williams has had enough of the kid’s E36 M3 and goes off about how the kid thinks he knows it all, but is actually just afraid of everything.

“If I said ‘Art’” he starts. “You could probably cough up facts from every art book ever written.  If I said ‘Michelangelo’, then you could tell me when he was born, and who the pope was.  But you can’t tell me what it SMELLS like in the Sistine Chapel. You’ve never STOOD there and looked at that Big. Beautiful. Ceiling…  If I said ‘war’…”.

(this goes on)

This is something I’ve tried to live up to.  That “experience” that is our lives.  It’s more than just facts put to paper.  REAL people are involved and their results are just as real and meaningful.  I’m hoping that maybe after reading this you’ll have your bit to relate. 

See, when I got home and opened Vikki’s gift to me I realized that Ukraine had made a little something for YOU.  And it looks like this:


I can hear what you’re thinking right now, but bear with me because this is what makes this one “yours”.

When someone mentions the war in Ukraine, they'll certainly tell you when the invasion started.  They could tell you who the political leaders were.  They can tell you which countries were involved, they could probably recount some of President Zelenskyy’s best one-liners, and hell.  they might even be able to list some famous battles...

But they can’t tell you how many lives Dr. Julia’s diesel generator saved by keeping her equipment in operation when all of the electricity was out.


When you mention the “volunteers”, they might know an organization.  The Red Cross, the Legion, or maybe a group they saw on social media...

But they can’t tell you that the truck in that exact damn stamp was fresh off the jack stands and punching east with no 3rd gear.


When you mention the fighting, they might talk about the number of casualties, armor, drone strikes, or where things should have gone differently...

But they can’t tell you that there’s giant stuffed kitten in the back of that truck that brought a smile to a little girl's face after she lost her father in the fighting just this last damn summer.


I don’t think it was any accident that the truck was turned around on its first attempt in (only to have its roof blown off by that generator). It HAS to be more than just coincidence that this stamp was printed at the exact moment we were loading that truck "sky high". 

So I am certain that this MUST be your stamp.  

Knowing this belongs to you, I’d like to return them to their rightful owner.  Please help me out by shooting me a note with your address (if I don’t have it already).   When I return it to you, I’ll be sure to include some post cards or something to make sure that you always remember that Ukraine printed this stamp just for you.

Tomorrow we gear up to get a 4x4 to Yaroslav and the 25th Airborne.  It’s not enough that we get these kids through the holidays, we gotta make sure we get their parents back home to them too.  We’re going to open up our paypal account and go from there.  If the first fundraiser doesn’t raise enough to get a good set of wheels, then we’ll open it again.  We’re going to keep doing this until we get a pickup to the guys in the 25th.

They’ve got a drone that has a job it needs to do, and it’s too big to fit in the SUVs they’ve been given to do it.  A pickup bed is what’s needed to get it in, and that’s exactly what we intend to deliver.


Before I go, I'd like you to meet "Nika".  I understand some volunteers got together and brought her a giant stuffed kitten this Christmas.



VikkiDp HalfDork
1/16/25 4:40 a.m.

Damn, Bill, i'm crying broken heart

Things always work out for the best, even if in the moment things go wrong heart (it's actually we think that something goes wrong cheeky)

Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter)
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/16/25 9:03 a.m.
VikkiDp said:

Damn, Bill, i'm crying broken heart

Things always work out for the best, even if in the moment things go wrong heart (it's actually we think that something goes wrong cheeky)


Things will always work out for us in the end.  If for no other reason but that we wont stop working until they do wink

bbbbRASS Reader
1/16/25 9:34 a.m.

Damnit, who is cutting the onions in here!

Great work Bill and Vikki.

JFW75 New Reader
1/16/25 10:29 a.m.
DarkMonohue said:

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special announcement. Winners of the promised Ugears raffle prizes for Dnipro Express Christmas donors have been selected!

JFW75: Fire and Forget
11GTCs: Brave UA Tractor
WonkoTheSane: Liberation of Snake Island
Driven5: The Tractor Wins
Flynlow: Ghost of Kyiv

Please contact me and I'll get these sent out to you.

Thank you to all who contributed to this run, to all who have contribued to all the past campaigns, and to everyone who will contribute to those yet to take place!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. 

PM Sent

Driven5 PowerDork
1/16/25 10:44 a.m.

Great find on those stamps, Vikki! What do they say at the bottom?

And as always Bill, your outlook on life is *almost* as inspiring as all those kids. Thank YOU for the sacrifices you've had to make to keep this going!

VikkiDp HalfDork
1/16/25 12:07 p.m.
Driven5 said:

Great find on those stamps, Vikki! What do they say at the bottom?

And as always Bill, your outlook on life is *almost* as inspiring as all those kids. Thank YOU for the sacrifices you've had to make to keep this going!

Country of volunteers wink

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