i would like #5 please! i am mutantracing1......
i also would like 69 and 70 if it doesnt present a conflict...
Cut n paste from the BSpec thread..GRM nyms vs. XBL Gamertags. Please send PMs if you're not listed, I will update.
Again, they will not be in alphabetical order (I'm trying to put folks with very different Gamertag/GRM nym at the top), but they will show up here. Whether or not it's a complete list depends on y'all.
Anti-stance is OPCCpl.Hate
afonseca is ParagonPlayer
redline is Switchblade762
Rxbalt is Lukenukemu
Geekspeed is Edge of Nerd
mutant is mutantracing1
Griffin729 is Griffin729 (and thanks for the work on the points in BSpec, bro!)
TheBootsy is TheBootsy
friedgreencorrado is friedgrncorrado
racerfink is racerfink
poopshovel is POOPSHOVEL999
DustoffDave is DustoffDave
LainfordExpress is LainfordExpress
RoadRaceDart is RoadRaceDart
DelayedPenalty is DelayedPenalty
KrankyKoot is KrankyK00t
Again, you'll probably get a spam filter bounce message when you PM me, my contact info here is my real e-mail addy. Earthlink's cool, they let me see a questionable message beforehand instead of automatically killing it. Once I see you, you'll be added to my "address book", and I'll add you to the list.
EDIT: Updates continue.
Geek, FR coming your way. In the meantime, here's my paint:
Hey GRM crowd, is that us camping up on the hill during The Mitty between 3 & 4?
I'm in! Requesting #07.
I just put together the car to spec and test drove it, fun! Well, fun as in I'm all over the track buzzing like a bee and getting more points for drifting than nailing the turns properly. So, lots of tuning to do but a blast to drive already!
In for #888 please! This ought to be fun although like last series my participation will be dependent on family schedules.
Is it just me, or does Forza, and the Xbox 360 in general, make anything other than modern TVs look like crap? :-p
Geekspeed wrote: Is it just me, or does Forza, and the Xbox 360 in general, make anything other than modern TVs look like crap? :-p
I actually bought my first modern TV because I couldn't even read my laptimes in Forza 3.
I foresee two possible futures in regards to tuning versus the B-spec series for myself. Either I'm going to be spending a LOT more time tuning (what with full race suspension under the IT7 car), or I may get lazy and go back to what I used to do and just get a decent baseline tune and run with it. For the B-spec series I just played around with the sway bar settings until I got an optimal lap time. Now there are so many more variables to fiddle with. I'm guessing what I may end up doing is somewhere in the middle. Definitely fun to look forward to though. And for those that may have missed it or don't have it bookmarked, there is a really nice tuning guide that someone previously pointed out.
So, what are people's thoughts on which day of the week and when to start? Keep it on Fridays? Move to Thursdays? Saturdays?
If we start this Friday, I'm voting that we take a break during Solo Nationals.
I seem to be having trouble buying points. Both of my banks are blocking the transactions. Great. In this case, does anyone have any issues with me running something else for the first race or two until I get that figured out? I was thinking an AE86? It looks pretty close, spec-wise.
Geekspeed wrote: I seem to be having trouble buying points. Both of my banks are blocking the transactions. Great. In this case, does anyone have any issues with me running something else for the first race or two until I get that figured out? I was thinking an AE86? It looks pretty close, spec-wise.
At the moment, I think that you'll be able to successfully bitchslap your bank long before we hold the first race. If that doesn't work out, though..IIRC the 7 is something like 240pts if you don't want to buy the whole pack. I know I bought it with my leftover points after the last couple of times I spent money to buy some packs (I had something like 260 left).
Try to get just the one car, if you can do it, then I'll build & gift a car already built to the specs. I don't have a lot of MS points, but I have a bank full of Forza credits. Once you have this one tasty bit of DLC, we can help you.
Or you can go out and buy a 1600 pt. card at Wal*Mart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, local grocery chain, etc...
Geekspeed wrote: I seem to be having trouble buying points. Both of my banks are blocking the transactions.
My local Kroger has prepaid cards that I use. Keeps me from impluse buying stuff, and gift cards at Kroger contribute towards a fuel discount.
@geekspeed: I'll just gift you the car if you want. Like FGC, I've got like 80 billion credits, and don't really care to have 9000 cars in my garage.
In reply to poopshovel:
I think his problem is with buying the DLC car. I think even if you gift it to him, he has to pay for the download.
Oh wow. That's lame. In that case, I did mine at gamestop. I think it was $20 for the year(?) They scammed me though, insinuating that included the porsche pack, which it did not.
Another way to get Microsoft Points is through Bing. I haven't bought points in along time!
Log in to Bing with your Windows ID and sign up for Bing Rewards. You earn 1 Bing point for every 2 searches you do (or something like that). There are 2 options for Microsoft Points; 100 MsP for 125 Bing Points, or 400 MsP for 500 Bing Points.
Use my "Refer A Friend" link if you want to sign up! http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9778718&rrid=_aec093a2-f054-d3a8-c002-62f1e76314a7
If anyone wants to be "teammates" with me, I have a pretty cool looking (at least in my opinion) retro-ish club racer paint job that I can easily convert to different colors and share on my Storefront. I'll post a picture later.
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