From talking to shippers trying to get stuff to my house, I've gathered that the following situation isn't terribly uncommon. You might want to consider solutions while you're in this phase.
Shipping things to my house is difficult. I live in a small town with no mail delivery. Living in town also means no rural route, so I need a PO Box.
Consequences of the above fact:
1) The Post Office does not deliver to my street address
2) FedEx and UPS do not deliver to my PO Box
3) Due to #1, the Post Office does not recognize my street address as legit
4) UPS (who doesn't ship to PO Boxes) often uses local post offices for final delivery (who don't deliver to my street address)
5) FedEx SmartPost has no issues with PO boxes, normal FedEx does. Most places just say they use FedEx and I have to call to sort out exactly what they mean
6) Many pieces of shipping software use the USPS to validate street addresses even if the carrier will be something else (see #3 for why this is a problem)
7)Sometimes I can get away with including both a street address and a PO box by manipulating the address field on online forms, this isn't terribly reliable though.
Having had to sort out various shipping hassles due to this situation, I've had many conversations with people in assorted mail order businesses. They all indicate that while not extremely common it happens often enough that it gives them substantial headaches.
Before you say something like "yeah, but even at that, how common can it be..." this is the third house in a row in three separate towns (across two states) that worked like this.
No real suggestions for how to arrange shipping, just pointing out a problem that if I hadn't spend a decade being on one end of I would never have even known it existed.