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DustoffDave HalfDork
9/28/12 2:06 p.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote: But having said that, I find this sentiment (I need a CCW because the revolution is coming) type attitude far more scary than the government listening to bad guys phone calls.

I don't think it falls into that camp as much. For me, at least, if/when things get really bad, I just want to be able to protect and provide for my family. I believe that any self-respecting father and husband would share that sentiment.

integraguy UltraDork
9/28/12 2:07 p.m.

I think the REAL reason this is not on folks radar is that they feel, once again, it's someone else's problem. You / they feel almost smug in the belief that since there is no way something illegal is going on in their immediate "environment", they need not worry that the government is watching.

A few years ago, I got hooked watching OLD episodes of MI5. I was shocked at how pervasive cameras and warrantless searches were back then...but I told myself: "... so what, we (the U.S.) are not the U.K." But really, we are much closer to a country / a time as depicted in The Minority Report...than folks realise.

Twin_Cam UltraDork
9/28/12 2:17 p.m.

What annoys me most is that (like most other people) I work my ass off, come home exhausted, and sleep, and I do this just to pay for an apartment and the method of which I use to get to work (a POS Saturn). And I don't even have kids or really any other obligations, other than to spend time with my wife and keep her happy. It's crazy how little time that's in a day. And I hate that people devote their day's time to putting stuff like this into action. That's how they make a living, screwing me. If this was a moral world, I'd say this isn't right.

Back off the lawn, sonny.

Ojala GRM+ Memberand Reader
9/28/12 2:28 p.m.

In reply to MadScientistMatt:

I could change the formatting on a tracker order (for example) and have it signed as a seach warrant. Both would be signed by the same district judge. The big difference is that an order can be sealed for the duration of the order. After the order is expired it becomes public. A search warrant can't be sealed by my petition.

pilotbraden Dork
9/28/12 3:05 p.m.
pilotbraden wrote: Surveillance, illegal detention, property seizure, restrictions on free speech and expression. Who won the cold war? Welcome to the USSA.

A few articles about

Surveillance: http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/our-dishonest-debate-over-nsa-spying

Government theft (forfeiture): http://reason.com/blog/2012/09/28/inspector-generals-new-asset-forfeiture

yamaha Dork
9/28/12 3:19 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote: I really do, from the bottom of my heart, feel that there will come a day in my lifetime, where we the people will take a long hard look at the powers that be, and determine that its either gonna be us or them. Ive recently learned how to can my own food in a sterile environment keeping food safe at room temperature for many years. I plan to take a CCW course to learn the proper way to handle firearms. I know how to cast metal and have the apparatus to do it sans electricity. Bow hunting is a skill I also plan to learn. Things will get worse before they get any better.

I lack the casting and canning skills, but I'm more than proficient at firearms, and I'm a bit ahead of you with teh bow. If you've never done it before, I'll recommend a recurve or longbow. Easier to learn arrow flight that way. I'm looking at getting a fletcher and the stuff to build my own wooden arrows(for the lulz)

Also, for fear of teh banhammer, I'll only point out that this has slowly been happening over decades(if not centuries). Governments like power, and as ours is intended to be......well, they'll do anything they can to prevent the people from ever toppling or changing how it is.

racerfink SuperDork
9/28/12 4:41 p.m.

Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
9/28/12 5:35 p.m.
DustoffDave wrote:
Adrian_Thompson wrote: But having said that, I find this sentiment (I need a CCW because the revolution is coming) type attitude far more scary than the government listening to bad guys phone calls.
I don't think it falls into that camp as much. For me, at least, if/when things get really bad, I just want to be able to protect and provide for my family. I believe that any self-respecting father and husband would share that sentiment.

Of course, but how far down the "be prepared" road do you NEED to go? The answer to that will be different for everyone. I've been meaning to get a CCW myself since forever, but not because I think society is about to break down, just for general home defense and because I can. I guess what I'm saying is preparedness is usually a great thing, but you need to make sure it doesn't become your whole life like the nutbags on "Disaster Preppers" or other such shows.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
9/28/12 5:37 p.m.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
DustoffDave wrote:
Adrian_Thompson wrote: But having said that, I find this sentiment (I need a CCW because the revolution is coming) type attitude far more scary than the government listening to bad guys phone calls.
I don't think it falls into that camp as much. For me, at least, if/when things get really bad, I just want to be able to protect and provide for my family. I believe that any self-respecting father and husband would share that sentiment.
Of course, but how far down the "be prepared" road do you NEED to go? The answer to that will be different for everyone. I've been meaning to get a CCW myself since forever, but not because I think society is about to break down, just for general home defense and because I can. I guess what I'm saying is preparedness is usually a great thing, but you need to make sure it doesn't become your whole life like the nutbags on "Disaster Preppers" or other such shows.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

After the fall of man I'll be using the fat from people who didn't stockpile enough ammo to fuel my diesel generator.

yamaha Dork
9/28/12 6:00 p.m.

In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:

This is gold people!!!!!

z31maniac PowerDork
9/28/12 7:55 p.m.

Same here, I've been meaning to get my CCW for years now and learn some basic survival skills.

Flip side, if the world collapsed and there was no internet to bitch on, etc permanently. I'd likely have to go out in a final blaze of glory on back alley moonshine.

T.J. PowerDork
9/28/12 8:03 p.m.

I, for one, welcome our all-seeing, all-hearing, know-nothing overlords.

(ok, not really.)

Teh E36 M3
Teh E36 M3 Dork
9/28/12 8:15 p.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: Why are Americans not more upset by this?
Wee the sheeple, in order to be kept more safe.... This is not the nation you remember. Freedom is worthless, safety is paramount. As well evidenced in numerous threads in this forum. You've brought this sort of point up numerous times. And a few will raise their head for a moment, and bleet something, but quickly they return to grazing happily in safety under the watchfull eye of their elected guardian.

You post like you have done something about it. Pray tell, what is it (beyond bleating)? Don't tell me you have voted, because repubs and demos alike have trampled on this ground, and voting doesn't do E36 M3.

My rebellion is in true gen x fashion. Surf as much dirty porn as possible, and generally not give berkeley about the whole thing. I do (give a berkeley), but not enough that I'm going to become some martyr, or some other bullE36 M3 to prove a point. Read as much subversive literature as I can... see what happens to my TS clearance.... nothing so far, so I guess this is totally meaningless.

Hal Dork
9/29/12 12:12 p.m.

Some times the people on here crack me up. Here we have a thread complaining about government surveilance and the whole "big brother" idea in which there are people talking about getting a CCW.

If you are that worried about "government takeover", why would you want to let them know you have guns?

yamaha Dork
9/29/12 8:00 p.m.

I'm not worried about a govt takeover.....I'm more worried about other things. However, the gov't won't know a thing about the black rifle parts I just picked up last night.......its not an AR and its actually a useful caliber. Private party sales > ***

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
9/29/12 8:47 p.m.

In reply to Teh E36 M3:

That's the root of the problem and why any sort of real change will be difficult. The general powers that be have learned how to give the general population just enough to be content, if not particularly happy. A content population is not likely to risk their lives to affect real change.

And I count myself in the "generally content" group...

Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
6/14/13 5:24 a.m.

Why is everyone so pessimistic? And why do these threads turn into a " I'm more prepared than you" e-penis contest? Pessimism and fear only breed more pessimisim and fear which breeds worry and in turn pushes people to do stupid things.

It's a representative government, if you don't like the government, vote. If your ideas don't win, your ideas aren't the norm.


novaderrik UberDork
6/14/13 6:20 a.m.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote: Why is everyone so pessimistic? And why do these threads turn into a " I'm more prepared than you" e-penis contest? Pessimism and fear only breed more pessimisim and fear which breeds worry and in turn pushes people to do stupid things. It's a representative government, if you don't like the government, vote. If your ideas don't win, your ideas aren't the norm. Done.

what's it like being so optimistic? how much work is it keeping the blinders in place so you don't feel the urge to look around once in a while and see how things are really going?

z31maniac PowerDork
6/14/13 7:28 a.m.
novaderrik wrote:
Fueled by Caffeine wrote: Why is everyone so pessimistic? And why do these threads turn into a " I'm more prepared than you" e-penis contest? Pessimism and fear only breed more pessimisim and fear which breeds worry and in turn pushes people to do stupid things. It's a representative government, if you don't like the government, vote. If your ideas don't win, your ideas aren't the norm. Done.
what's it like being so optimistic? how much work is it keeping the blinders in place so you don't feel the urge to look around once in a while and see how things are really going?


The people who think they can actually do something about the system are the optimistic ones. The people who think Rs and Ds are different are the optimistic ones.

I prefer apathy. Much less stress.

Bobzilla UberDork
6/14/13 7:47 a.m.

I sense a troll..... considering that this thread was silent for 9 months and then pops in with a post like that? Someone is looking to find themselves looking at a new portion of patio permanently.

Duke PowerDork
6/14/13 8:57 a.m.
Bobzilla wrote: I sense a troll...

Iggy a troll? Never .

yamaha UberDork
6/14/13 9:42 a.m.

In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:

GTFO You bumped a long dead thread just to add bullE36 M3, go home iggy, you're drunk.

Xceler8x GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
6/14/13 10:06 a.m.
4cylndrfury wrote: I really do, from the bottom of my heart, feel that there will come a day in my lifetime, where we the people will take a long hard look at the powers that be, and determine that its either gonna be us or them. Ive recently learned how to can my own food in a sterile environment keeping food safe at room temperature for many years. I plan to take a CCW course to learn the proper way to handle firearms. I know how to cast metal and have the apparatus to do it sans electricity. Bow hunting is a skill I also plan to learn. Things will get worse before they get any better.

I humbly suggest that you read this book. Emergency by Neil Strauss.

whenry HalfDork
6/14/13 10:30 a.m.

Just like certain tv channels and other media try to get you to accept lifestyle changes(dont get me started about FOOd or HGTV), there are also other media and government attempts to get you to accept the surveillance cameras by showing how they help to catch the bad guys ie Boston Marathon bombers. The cameras did their job in Boston although the FBI totally screwed the pooch on the Russian info, but are you willing to accept cameras in all facets of your life just to catch the periodic bomber?
As a lawyer, I am conflicted in this and cant give you a straight answer. I do think that each of us is in the end responsible for our own safety and have to act accordingly.

aircooled PowerDork
6/14/13 10:39 a.m.


Why was this thread brought up from 9 months ago? Why not start a new one? Do you search for a topic you want to post on, then add on to that one? Why would you do this? Why would you do this without noting it is an old thread you are adding perspective to (if that is the case)?

Please explain.

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