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914Driver SuperDork
2/28/11 10:09 a.m.


This happened on Sunday but I never heard what kind of plane it was. I heard "vintage plane", I'm thinking bi-wing.

This 38 year old doctor bought a British jet, a BAC-167. I'll bet you need different certs to fly that. And where do you get it serviced?


aircooled SuperDork
2/28/11 10:32 a.m.

Oh it gets far worse than that. There civilian registered Mig-21s:

and a fair number of people with Mig-15's, F86's etc. Along the lines of "old" are the few Vampires that are flying. A jet introduce in 1945 that uses a cartridge starter, which is basically a large Estes rocket to start the engine.:

You don't really need any special certification for them, but you will need to be checked out by a flight instructor who is qualified in them, and of course you need to have the money and balls to fly one.

As someone noted about planes like the Mig-21: "You pretty much take off in a fuel critical situation"

pilotbraden HalfDork
2/28/11 11:02 a.m.

You need a type rating or LOA (letter of authority) to operate that type of airplane. Most military fighters,single seaters, never recieve a civilian certification so you operate them with a LOA. Two seat airplanes are more likely to have a type rating available. Here is more info.


alfadriver SuperDork
2/28/11 11:29 a.m.

Bob Lutz belly landed a Mig at Willow Run quite some time ago- and i can't find any reference on line to it.

Conquest351 Reader
2/28/11 11:32 a.m.

There's a MiG-21 parked behind a trailer house just outside Austin Tx. LOL

Duke SuperDork
2/28/11 11:46 a.m.

I saw an old geezer in an F-86D do an in-freaking-credible low-level aerobatic routine at Dover AFB's airshow about 5 or 6 years ago. Vertical-bank 360 turns, with the downside wingtip about half the wingspan off the ground? Yep. Snaprolls? Yep. Cuban Eight? Yep. In a jet, with an airframe that was a minimum of 45 years old.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/28/11 11:51 a.m.
Conquest351 wrote: There's a MiG-21 parked behind a trailer house just outside Austin Tx. LOL

You must take pics!

sachilles Dork
2/28/11 12:41 p.m.

There is a guy up hear in Burlington VT that has (or had) a couple of Mig's. Being a big war plane buff, I just about crapped my pants seeing one of those fly overhead.

Red Dawn, Red Dawn!!!!

porksboy SuperDork
2/28/11 12:45 p.m.

Those planes are amongst those refered to as doctor killers. The lack of certs/training and over abundance of testicular fortitude are not a good combination.

Conquest351 Reader
2/28/11 1:11 p.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Conquest351 wrote: There's a MiG-21 parked behind a trailer house just outside Austin Tx. LOL
You must take pics!

Workin on it. LOL

rebelgtp SuperDork
2/28/11 1:38 p.m.

I always loved looking at the old military jets for sale and always thought about how cool it would be to have one. Heck if I ever was rich more than likely I would end up buying one to scare the crap outa myself with.

Conquest351 Reader
2/28/11 1:43 p.m.

There was a Harrier for sale on Ebay last week for a cool Million...

93EXCivic SuperDork
2/28/11 2:17 p.m.

MiG-21s are cheap comparatively.

spitfirebill SuperDork
2/28/11 3:19 p.m.
porksboy wrote: Those planes are amongst those refered to as doctor killers. The lack of certs/training and over abundance of testicular fortitude are not a good combination.

LOL It doesn't take a warbird to kill a doctor. The Bonanza isn't called the V-tailed doctor killer for nothing.

pilotbraden HalfDork
2/28/11 3:24 p.m.


LOL It doesn't take a warbird to kill a doctor. The Bonanza isn't called the V-tailed doctor killer for nothing.

Also known as the Fork Tailed Doctor Killer

aircooled SuperDork
2/28/11 3:42 p.m.

An IFR (instrument flight) capable plane plane that is light on the controls, is rather aerodynamic and has a VNE (never exceed speed) not that far about the max cruse speed = best be careful lest you end up dead.

(used to fly in one almost exactly like the one above when I was a kid, and no my dad was not a doctor)

Appleseed SuperDork
2/28/11 4:37 p.m.


There's an Su-27 for sale.




Javelin GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/28/11 4:42 p.m.
Appleseed wrote: Toys. There's an Su-27 for sale. Legally. Yes. http://www.prideaircraft.com/flanker.htm

Not just one, but TWO of those bad boys! You'd officially have a freaking air force (and be able to oust about 100 country's air force's) with them!

aircooled SuperDork
2/28/11 4:56 p.m.

That's interesting. I read a while ago that Larry Ellison wanted to buy a Mig29, but was denied by the FAA (maybe the defense department?)

The hourly operating cost of an SU27 would be insane!! Probably something north of $10,000 / hr.

MitchellC Dork
2/28/11 5:05 p.m.

I guess that's the next step once boats become chump change.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/28/11 5:11 p.m.
MitchellC wrote: I guess that's the next step once boats become chump change.

That's how I explain my desire to be a millionaire. I tell people I want to be vintage-fighterplane-collection rich.

JoeyM SuperDork
2/28/11 5:15 p.m.
aircooled wrote: That's interesting. I read a while ago that Larry Ellison wanted to buy a Mig29, but was denied by the FAA (maybe the defense department?)

I hate ill-informed news sites.

I was under the impression that he had gotten the MIG 29 after agreeing to remove the guns and hard points. I even found a video from a local NBC affiliate that claimed to be Larry flying his MIG 29. This cockpit video, however, is clearly of a single tail aircraft....probably his L-39

iceracer Dork
2/28/11 5:51 p.m.
914Driver wrote: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1361021/Pilot-feared-dead-vintage-jet-crashes-icy-stretch-Hudson-River-near-Albany.html This happened on Sunday but I never heard what kind of plane it was. I heard "vintage plane", I'm thinking bi-wing. This 38 year old doctor bought a British jet, a BAC-167. I'll bet you need different certs to fly that. And where do you get it serviced? Dan

Maybe he was trying to emulate "Sully" and crash land in the Hudson.

aeronca65t Dork
3/1/11 5:27 a.m.

I don't own (or want to own) a warbird. But I do own a warbug.

~Aeronca info~


JoeyM SuperDork
3/1/11 5:38 a.m.
aeronca65t wrote: I don't own (or want to own) a warbird. But I do own a warbug. ~Aeronca info~ Mine

gorgeous. I would love to build one of these http://www.airdromeairplanes.com/

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