It appears you're only talking about late model cars - remember, the Mercury brand started in 1939 and they had a lot of neat cars in the interim (including the original Cougars of the 1960s.)

As for late models, the 2003-2004 Marauder was pretty cool.
Marauder (Think 24V Cobra 4.6 in a Grand Marquis)
Although I wouldn't call the first gen Mountaineer crap, it's still not as good as the same year Explorer, so I guess your point stands.
I like the foxbody Capri styling better than the four eye Mustangs, but I can't make the case they were better.
What about the Marauders vs the Crown Vic's?
7/8/14 12:49 p.m.
The Cougars up til the FWD models were all actually pretty good for what they were.
Don't forget the Capri (i.e. the Euro Ford Capri), and the original Maurader.
modern mercuries were no better or worse than their ford counterparts. they were usually just more upmarket with luxuries. Compare a Grand Marquis to a same year Crown vic to see that in action
Marauder? One full second slower than an Impala SS? Sold so poorly that it was dropped after one year? Pass.
7/8/14 12:56 p.m.
I would say the first three cars in your photos were fine cars. The rear wheel drive one are Thunderbirds and the front wheel drive one is a two door Mondeo/Contour. Neither were known for being crap.
Mercury's Explorer? Why is it crap compared to any other truck based SUV? They sold a metric E36 M3 ton of explorers. They couldn't have been that bad.
I guess I don't understand the hate. None of their cars in the last 30 years have been Halo cars but that doesn't mean they were crap either. Mostly just rebadge Fords, you could even get a Fox body Mercury.
7/8/14 12:58 p.m.
If you're going to bash FoMoCo at least pick their worst vehicles.
I'm pretty partial to a nice Tracer LT-S.
1st gen Capri... but in reality that is just a Ford in other markets....
pinchvalve wrote:
Marauder? One full second slower than an Impala SS? Sold so poorly that it was dropped after one year? Pass.
the sales brochures for an '03 Marauder actually used the 96 Impala as their benchmark in tests, and they left out the parts where the 7 year old model that was based on a discontinued chassis (and only had half as many valves in the engine- the horror!!) was better. which was pretty much ever way..
i believe there was a Cougar version of the Turbocoupe, and a Capri version of the SVO, but they were tamed down...
Hell yes, 50/51 Mercury was the ultimate lead sled.

69 Cyclone was awesome

64 Breezeway was cool in its own right
Um, seriously? You kids need to look back a little further!

Your attitude about this leads me to believe that no amount of convincing will do anything to change your mind, but here's a few that should change your mind.
pinchvalve wrote:
Marauder? One full second slower than an Impala SS? Sold so poorly that it was dropped after one year? Pass.
Care to site your source for that info?
I'm not interested in any mercury after about 1980 or so. Before that there are more of them that I do like than those that I don't.
pinchvalve wrote:
Marauder? One full second slower than an Impala SS? Sold so poorly that it was dropped after one year? Pass.
It was sold in 03-04, and while it was a tick slower than the SS, doe not mean it was a bad car. Most cool Mercurys sold poorly, which might explain, at least in part, the demise of the brand.
7/8/14 2:41 p.m.
If you can't get down with this, you're just trolling.

I wouldn't call Buick or Olds "sucky car companies" as they both offered tremendous machines over the years. (above and beyond the GNX and 442) Also keep in mind that early Saturns were pretty darn good machines--- easily as efficient and as fun to drive as their Asian counterparts. I sure wouldn't call them a sucky company-- although towards the end they were nothing more than a GM parts bin dump. Saturn was the first car company to treat the entry-level buyer with respect--- they really changed the industry for the better--- at least for a time.
7/8/14 3:52 p.m.
bravenrace wrote:
pinchvalve wrote:
Marauder? One full second slower than an Impala SS? Sold so poorly that it was dropped after one year? Pass.
Care to site your source for that info?
He doesn't, the fwd impy ss could very well be quicker, but it wasn't a nicer car. The 94-6 impy ss(oh look, it lived for 3 model years, it must of sucked too) isn't quicker than a marauder. I've proven that one.
yamaha wrote:
bravenrace wrote:
pinchvalve wrote:
Marauder? One full second slower than an Impala SS? Sold so poorly that it was dropped after one year? Pass.
Care to site your source for that info?
He doesn't, the fwd impy ss could very well be quicker, but it wasn't a nicer car. The 94-6 impy ss(oh look, it lived for 3 model years, it must of sucked too) isn't quicker than a marauder. I've proven that one.
I'm fairly certain you are very wrong about that. Here is an article that spells out the difference. That's stock for stock. SS 15.0 vs. Merc 15.5. My 96 SS ran a 14.7 and it was very stock.
Weren't you the guy that kept barfing up the Kia Rondo all over this board for no apparent reason?