When I say "blow off steam", I mean doing something that, once it's been done, you tend to feel a lot more calm and relaxed. So, I feel so often like I am going to explode. My usual methods have been cut off lately. In order from least effective to most:
- Making progress working on the project S10. This only works when I make noticeable progress, and don't end up finding something that adds to the to-do list. Lately, that's been a crapshoot.
- Putting the top down on the Miata, and taking an evening drive. Between salt on the roads, and the fact that it is way too cold, I'm still 2 months away from this being effective. During the good weather months, this has been my go to.
- Rallycrossing - need to get the "new" car prepped for the season, and hope it will hold together as well as my old car. Been a few years since I was able to race.
- Going to the range and poking holes in paper. Stopped doing this early in the pandemic due to not wanting to be indoors around other people, and have continued avoiding it do the the increase in batE36 M3tery of the other participants.
- Hiking alone in the desert. I haven't been out west since Spring 2019, and probably won't have time to make it out this year, with work and other commitments. Need more time than usual, as it'll have to be a road trip. Flying used to stress me out some, now I really don't want to deal with it at all.
Any suggestions to get me over the hump until convertible season is back? I exercise multiple times a week, but don't ever experience "runner's high" or anything like it. Been trying to declutter the house, but that doesn't really reduce stress, as it is such a huge task. I've thought about buying a crapbox car to run around on local back roads, but with prices the way they are, I'll either end up paying way too much, or end up with something I need to be repairing in the cold on my hilly driveway.
I'm planning a road trip to visit family soon, so I am hoping that'll help, but could use other ideas.
eastsideTim said:
- Hiking alone in the desert. I haven't been out west since Spring 2019, and probably won't have time to make it out this year, with work and other commitments. Need more time than usual, as it'll have to be a road trip. Flying used to stress me out some, now I really don't want to deal with it at all.
There must be places where you can go hike alone that are closer to home.
stuart in mn said:
eastsideTim said:
- Hiking alone in the desert. I haven't been out west since Spring 2019, and probably won't have time to make it out this year, with work and other commitments. Need more time than usual, as it'll have to be a road trip. Flying used to stress me out some, now I really don't want to deal with it at all.
There must be places where you can go hike alone that are closer to home.
There are, but they don't work as well. I do hit a walking trail at a local park occasionally, but I really don't like walking when it is cold or muddy.
You can get out and walk just about anywhere. If it feels boring to just walk you can pair it with a variety of low cost hobbies; bird watching, photography, geo-caching, ...
If you're stuck indoors, knitting is surprisingly easy to pick up as a hobby. It requires just enough attention (for simpler projects) that you can reach flow or watch TV in the background. There are even good causes like the Linus Project if you want to feel like you're making a difference in the world.
As strange as it sounds, doing delivery once in a while might be a good option. You do it on your schedule, you get to drive around and check out new places, and you can make a bit of money on the side as well. It may not be as relaxing in a dense urban area, so you might want to drive out to a more relaxed burb and start your trips from there.
If fitness is your goal, and you're stuck indoors, try yoga ... ok, with the knitting idea earlier you may be starting to think I'm a nut case, but give it a try. Years ago, I had never done yoga, but was looking for a fitness rutine I could try at home. I co-workder recommended the P-90-X program (bunch of DVDs by the beach body people), and one of them was a Yoga workout. I thought it would be silly at first, but it ended up being one of my favorite workouts of the bunch ... and definitely not easy. At the end of those workouts I was in a much better place mentally as well.
Links: 'State of Flow' https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-flow-2794768 Project Linus: https://www.projectlinus.org/ Easy yoga in a natural setting: https://youtu.be/CGLvtWYcuuE https://youtu.be/CGLvtWYcuuE
Do you have a Rage Room/Break Room nearby?
I just discovered we have one here in OKC, so I'm going to see if a few friends and the better half want to rent a room and go beat the crap out of and break stuff. Sounds like fun to me.
Step 1, beat it like it owes you money
Step 2, take a nap
(someone had to say it)
Or, instead of a solo act, add in another person...or two!
You mentioned the dislike of indoor range. How about outdoor range? Or, do you have a friend with some rural acreage?
Next time you come up this way we can blow holes in paper at my parents house. Lots of hill for backstop
In reply to eastsideTim :
I just have to throw out rally crossing. I have been "trying" to rally cross for about the last four years. I tried it in a rwd one legged car, that was almost show room. I couldn't do it to the car and for the last four years have been trying to get whatever beater I bought for rally cross ready for it. I was almost there with my last mustang that I bought for the challenge. I was over budget and couldn't get the car ready for rally cross. I was almost there and was ready to put posi in the car. My wife pointed out that I should sell the car and get something that worked well enough. I had to promise I wouldn't fall in love with the car and not rally cross it. I listend sold the car and bought a very nice beater. I am happy rally crossing while auto cross season hasn't started. My point: Get your rally cross car ready now, or buy a decent beater to get you buy until spring is here or you have time for a better car. Life is so short I am starting to listen to my wife. Get out there and thrown up some dirt and snow!
Really loud music does me wonders. The occasional Saturday mornings with some ear bleeding Disturbed or Drowning Pool works well.
I usually clean the shop while it's blasting.
I'm no fan of winter weather, and it used to dissuade me from hiking, but I bought some clothes that work better for me (i.e., keep me comfortable) and told myself to suck it up. As an introvert, it's wonderful to go out when the weather sucks because no one else is foolish enough to be out there. Last hike I did - up an icy hill when it was ~25 degrees - was three solid hours without a single hint of human contact. Glorious.
In reply to 02Pilot :
There's an old Scandinavian or Norwegian adage that we repeat often in sailboat racing and that is, "there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear (clothes.)"
Another thought.
I spent all of today driving around in the country and woods with my camera gear. I covered about 200 miles. Shot 100 or so images. No wife, no kids, no cell phone. Nothing more complicated than looking for the next shot.
That doesn't burn off steam, but it does recharge my batteries and clear the clutter from the mind. Kind of like pushing the reset button.
Edit: My favorite from the day.

2/13/22 5:54 p.m.
I'm a big fan of a decent bicycle. Throw on some music, hit some pedals and get lost. Plus, accidentally excercise.
Somebody mentioned a rage room and I see you are in Ohio. Near Cincinnati? Full Throttle has indoor karting AND a rage room, maybe kill two birds with one stone.
Thanks everyone for the ideas. Might have to check out a rage room some day.
Patrick, when weather improves, I may have to take you up on your offer.
As an introvert who can go a week or more without face-to-face interaction with anyone these days, bicycling is my stress relief. When I can't ride - loud guitar.
I run. Any weather. Keeps the stabbings down. My wife is even worse.
Not sure that it will blow off steam really but you mentioned hiking. Geocaching is pretty fun and depending on the cache it's a big feeling of accomplishment.
For me it usually is incredibly loud guitar, like.....I've hit over 130db in my band room
2/13/22 11:01 p.m.
Ignore the other people and go to the range anyway. If you have the ability to go during the week or at other off hours chances are it'll be basically empty anyway. Then the only batE36 M3tery is how expensive ammo has gotten lately. That's the only thing that's kept me from going more often.
I find even walking around the neighborhood beneficial.
I've been looking for an excuse to go to the Cardinal Shooting Center again and go through 100 12-gauge rounds shooting sport clays. It's a bit of a drive for you but if you're up for it some Sunday let me know.
John Welsh said:
You mentioned the dislike of indoor range. How about outdoor range? Or, do you have a friend with some rural acreage?
I was just going to suggest this. Also if possible try off hours when the less than desirables are not around. I use to try and go when local law enforcement is around but Covid made that change. I now try and go when I know my instructor is on the range working with other students. For some reason it tends to thin out the riffraff. I also have the luxury of being able to go during work hours. I am usually the only one there. Also look around. I discovered a very high end club about five minutes from my office. Zero advertisement anywhere. Membership is pricy but the membership reflects that. Mostly executives and the like that want anonymity and some alone time. I got a trial membership and really like it but a full membership is 4x what the club next to my house costs.