Rutt just posted this on FB:
Looks like they aren't filming any more episodes, for now. Don't know if they are killing it entirely, but it doesn't sound good.
Too bad because it's better than the E36 M3 show on BBC.
Rutland needs his own show, or better yet, Clarkson, Hammond and May need to pick him up as thier American correspondent, since he's exactly how Clarkson describes Americans, he'll play along with that, but manage to beat them at their own game once and a while.
American TG started out awful, but the last season wasn't all that bad for an obviously low budget knock off of another network's flagship show.
That sucks. I hated the first season, watching the second now. I think they chose the wrong hosts, but it was better than 99% of the junk passed off as TV
HappyAndy wrote: Rutland needs his own show...
He has a show called Lost in Transmission on History. There has only been one season so far.
I have a show idea for Rut and G_Bodyman. I've discussed it with both. Time for me to reach back out to Rut about network channels for distribution and a possible production schedule.
You sure about that? The link you posted doesn't work and there is nothing being reported about it being cancelled. The closest I could find is that Matt LeBlanc is threatening to quit Top Gear unless Chris Evans goes.
moparman76_69 wrote: You sure about that? The link you posted doesn't work and there is nothing being reported about it being cancelled. The closest I could find is that Matt LeBlanc is threatening to quit Top Gear unless Chris Evans goes.
All I have seen is a lengthy instagram post from @rutledgewood stating that Tuesday nights episode is the last TG US they have filmed. I assume this is the same message that found its way to facebook.
T.J. wrote: I didn't know that TGUS was still a thing.
I think that's part of the problem. I thought it had been cancelled long ago, but happened to find it again and enjoyed this last season better than the previous ones.
Was it perfect? No.
Did it surpass the Clarkson, May, Hammond TG? No. (Although what follow up ever does)
Was it better than 99% of the stuff on TV? Ab.So.Fricken.Lutely.
Sad to see.
It started out kinda rough, but by the end, I was enjoying the show. Sucks that it got canned, but then again...
That channel sucks so bad now. It's all scripted "reality" TV garbage now. Just about all of the good stuff is gone. The Travel Channel has more historical shows than History does.
Hopefully, another network will pick it up, or maybe they can do a direct to streaming deal with Netflix to compete with the new Clarkson, May, and Hammond venture.
SilverFleet wrote: That channel sucks so bad now. It's all scripted "reality" TV garbage now. Just about all of the good stuff is gone. The Travel Channel has more historical shows than History does.![]()
And the Travel Channel is mostly ghosts and people eating weird E36 M3. The Smithsonian channel (if you get it) has some decent history stuff now.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: Too bad because it's better than the E36 M3 show on BBC.![]()
That's hilarious, because it is exactly the opposite of what people were saying at the beginning.
moparman76_69 wrote: You sure about that? The link you posted doesn't work and there is nothing being reported about it being cancelled. The closest I could find is that Matt LeBlanc is threatening to quit Top Gear unless Chris Evans goes.
Posted by Rut 18 hours ago:
I'm very sad to say, but Tuesday night's #TopGear on HISTORY is the last TG US that we have shot for you. I'm not saying Top Gear on HISTORYis done, but it's done for the immediate future on @History .
I remember the day that I got the phone call to ask if I'd be interested in talking to one of the producers about possibly being one of the hosts of the US's version of the world's most iconic car show. It's been an amazing ride for sure, and although I don't think the show is done, it appears that it's done with our friends at History, and we're incredibly grateful for being a part of the A&E Networks family.
I have had so much fun with Tanner Foust and Adam Ferrara they really are like brothers to me. We've traveled this amazing country and to some of the coolest places on earth together, and even in the hardest moments, it's been a total dream come true.
The three of us will stick together and hope to bring you much more Top Gear USA, albeit it somewhere else it appears.
To the FANS- we cannot say enough how much we truly appreciate each and every one of you. You have always been there for us in great numbers, and we really do love you all. You are the reason shows like ours exist, and you're also the reason we've been so lucky to do this show for so long together. We never dreamed how many families would sit and watch our show and laugh together. We never knew how many couples would sit and watch three goofballs go out and try to make each other laugh. And yet, you all watched...and you told other people and shared in the joy.
To everyone who worked on TGUS- thank you. For everything. You're our family and you're the reason we got to do this for so many years together.
So here's a toast to all of you out there. I hope you'll watch Tuesday night and enjoy the last show we made for you. We took a trip of a lifetime down to Cuba and drove classic American cars from the 50's down there, and I can tell you it's one of the coolest things we have ever done together.
Cheers and lots of love, Rutledge
i watched the first season, hoping it would get better and that they'd do something original that TGUK hadn't already done 10 years earlier..
i was disappointed.
the only good episode from season 1 was the Alaska one, other than that it was pure crap. i watched a couple of season 2 eps, but i just stopped caring after a couple of weeks.
It was always sort of "whoohoo wacky challenge" without any of the enjoyment of Top Gear like the long epic road trip episodes like Botswana Special, etc.
If there was a show of just the "special" top gear episodes - holy crap I would never leave my house.
Tom_Spangler wrote: That really sucks. After a rough first season or so, the show really found it's legs.
Ratings said otherwise.
I tried watching a few episodes at a friend's house that has pay TV. I couldn't get into it, even the newer ones. I really really wanted to like Tanner but he just...had no personality (IMHO). The fat guy (Rutt?) was ok, and the 3rd guy with the Brooklyn accent I wanted to punch every time I saw him.
That said, if I had pay TV I'd probably watch all 3 damn shows. (Also watched a few recent new TG's, if Evan's could just...stop talking...)
It was a decent show. The recent 24 hour or Lemons episode was pretty good.
"is it OK"
(appears from under the car holding part of a rod)
"oh, I guess not"
You kids are so spoiled. I remember when the only car show available was Sam "The Ad Whore" Memmolo and big Dave what's-his-name on TNN with Shade Tree Mechanic. And Motorweek.
SilverFleet wrote: It started out kinda rough, but by the end, I was enjoying the show. Sucks that it got canned, but then again... WHY WAS THIS SHOW ON THE HISTORY CHANNEL IN THE FIRST PLACE????? That channel sucks so bad now. It's all scripted "reality" TV garbage now.
So, how would you describe TG when it's in Challenge mode, then?
93gsxturbo wrote: It was always sort of "whoohoo wacky challenge" without any of the enjoyment of Top Gear like the long epic road trip episodes like Botswana Special, etc. If there was a show of just the "special" top gear episodes - holy crap I would never leave my house.
It's my understanding that you just described The Grand Tour, the new Clarkson/May/Hammond show.
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