When I went to lunch today, I noticed gas had jumped $.30 and gallon from this morning. Is this because of Ike or something else?
Bend over and take it.
Vote for McObama, he promises to fix it by taxing you more or going to war with Iran.
Wowak wrote: Bend over and take it. Vote for McObama, he promises to fix it by taxing you more or going to war with Iran.
taxing you more for obama? All I can say is read..
I think that was a jab at both candidates, and how they both promise to do stupid E36 M3 to "fix" things that they don't really have influence on.
Salanis wrote: I think that was a jab at both candidates, and how they both promise to do stupid E36 M3 to "fix" things that they don't really have influence on.
Make that 4 of us agree. I haven't looked at gas prices today but I gotta fill the Trooper on the way home so I'll gird my loins.
Which one will do the least damage? One is to the left of Stalin. One is "central." If you're a commie or you're a child that thinks killing your offspring is a "right," you have your choice. They both suck. Palin is the only shining light in the group of them, and we'll see where that goes.
Weird day in the market today. Things cooking along fine, then, POW. What I read says that, ZOMG!!! The price of oil is DROPPING!!! Stocks will crash. Versus last month when it was ZOMG!!! The price of oil is RISING!!! Stocks will crash.
No doubt it's because of the storm. But kind of like, say, if you hook a fish and keep tugging real hard, you will eventually rip its jaw and lose the fish. The more they keep jerking us the more of us will slowly cut back and then they will get the message to be a bit more gentle....but then again, greed makes people do strange things. good luck to us all.....something else you ask? I wonder how much it costs them to evacuate all those guys on the rigs in the gulf. Not enough time lost either to raise prices that much..go figure. I may not know a lot about it but it is getting old.
I haven't noticed any big up or down price changes, but the stations I usually go to are raising and lowering their prices about 4 or 5 cents a gallon...every other day. Yesterday? $3.44...today? $3.49...tomorrow? $3.4X. I did notice that only one of my "favorite" stations has the capability to change the price at the touch of a button, all the others must go out to the actual sign and replace the numbers every other day.
I'm starting to think gas come from some kind of random number machine. Pipeline in Georgia closes, gas here dropped, rigs shut down for Gustave, prices dropped, today they dropped another $.04. it's the lowest it's been here in a year, even though every week something happens that should drive it up. I don't think anyone knows where these prices come from.
Why doesn't my keyboard have a "cents" sign? All my typewriters did but this machine of the future seems to be missing it.
Wally wrote: Why doesn't my keyboard have a "cents" sign? All my typewriters did but this machine of the future seems to be missing it.
because nothing costs less than a buck
Dr. Hess wrote: Palin is the only shining light in the group of them, and we'll see where that goes.
Back to reality. Of the 50 states, Alaska ranks No. 1 in taxes per resident and No. 1 in spending per resident. Its tax burden per resident is 2 1/2 times the national average; its spending, more than double.
Seems like she's part of the new breed of tax more spend more conservative..
seems like she's the one who is more around stalin...
Dr. Hess wrote: Which one will do the least damage? One is to the left of Stalin.
Well now that this thread has been floundered, I'd like to point out that both candidates are very much "centrist" this time...Obama seemed much further left earlier in the year before he dashed for center, quite nearly overshooting the target IMO. I have the same opinion of McCain as when I first heard about him...Bush 3.0, warmongeng conservative old fart, etc, but I've really been let down by Obama over the same period, after his support of the FISA bill and his admission that he's not ruling out blowing up more random E36 M3 in the middle east. Now it's a lesser-of-two-evils situation, again. Now Palin on the other hand, being a stereotypical redneck in hot MILF clothes, has made me fear a McCain win much more, but that's another story...
Tim Baxter wrote: ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢
Show off. None of my keyboards have that symbol either.
Yesterday, the 'unbiased' CNN had a big ol' banner which said: 'POLL SHOWS REST OF WORLD SUPPORTS OBAMA PRESIDENCY'. Well, hell. I support Salman Rushdie as president of Saudi Arabia. I think all thoes feudal monarchies in Europe should have their royal families removed and replaced with US supporter leaders and Gorbachev should kick Putin et al out and take over Russia.
Well oddly enough it had gone back down $.20 on the way home from work. I heard later that they had shut down the pipeline because of Ivan. Still a net raise of $.10. And of course that was on top of the $.10 it was raised for Hanna.
I just heard on the news that OPEC will be lowering production by some (don't remember the exact number... was it 500,000??) barrels to "PREVENT PRICES FROM DROPPING TOO MUCH".
Are they allowed to do that? So they are trying to keep the price up? And here we were trying to get the price down... but I guess the reason it isn't going down is because they don't want it to. Great!
I honestly wonder if it had anything to do with the firing of the Large Hadron Collider.
"The world might end! Let's prepare by jacking up the price of our product!"
Edit: I love saying that. "Large Hadron Collider". It just flows so nicely. And it's such a cool machine!
Stuc wrote: I just heard on the news that OPEC will be lowering production by some (don't remember the exact number... was it 500,000??) barrels to "PREVENT PRICES FROM DROPPING TOO MUCH". Are they allowed to do that? So they are trying to keep the price up? And here we were trying to get the price down... but I guess the reason it isn't going down is because they don't want it to. Great!
As long as they control the supply, they can do whatever the hell they want. See also the arguments for improving our domestic supply options.
Natural gas (the stuff you can put in a Honda Civic GX) costs about $2.00 a unit. Buy a Honda Civic that runs on CNG and you're golden. And there are plenty of fill-up stations around right now. Hell, it even comes with a home fillup kit if you have Natural Gas heat!
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