I commented in the ignore, and everyone ignored as they should. Too bad everyone ignored and we now have the congress we do.
What's the point? The hull has been breached. At this point the best bet is to be good and E36 M3faced by the time we hit the water.
Possible flounders that should now be explored:
Thank 'insert deity of choice'
Good news at last.
OK OK I promise I'm staying out of this from now on.
Wait! Let me help you with some rational and logical points that need to be brought up:
The end is Nigh!!!!
Socialism is upon us!!!!
Mao will guide us!!!!!
We will all be enslaved by the state!!!!
Death Panels!!!!!!
Glen Beck was right!!!!!
They're coming for you organs to give them to poor people as part of the redistribution of health!!!!!
The Government is now controlling ALL of the economy and whether you will live or die!!!!!
I need to retract one of my statements above. I want to in no way ever imply that Glen Beck has had or ever will have any overall positive influence or constructive thing to say. I went too far, I apologize.
aircooled wrote: They're coming for you organs to give them to poor people as part of the redistribution of health!!!!!
Muhahahaha! The joke is on them. My organs will be worthless by the time they get here.
As a Veteran in the VA health care system I truly feel terrible for my fellow Americans if the government gets to run their health care as well. Over-population won't be a problem anymore though, so there is that.
Cotton wrote: Anytime Pelosi has so a huge smile on her face you should be very afraid.
She’s had so many face lifts that when she smiles, she gets a beard.
P71 wrote: As a Veteran in the VA health care system I truly feel terrible for my fellow Americans if the government gets to run their health care as well. Over-population won't be a problem anymore though, so there is that.![]()
I hear you there. As a navy brat, I can remember many an hour in the infirmary or after my father was medically retired out, walking endless hallways at the VA hospital in Philly
96DXCivic wrote: I am ignoring this thread.![]()
+1... I turned on Fox News last night as the bill was being passed to see if they had any visual effects like a nuke going off or doomsday music playing, but they didnt...
What I want to know is what it will take to overturn it after November when they can no longer just vote their pet projects in.
I work in the medical device industry and our stocks are collectively up around two percent today. I’m not complaining but it doesn’t make sense on the face of things as part of the health care reform bill includes a special, above-and-beyond, tax that works out to about 2.8% on us and I doubt the bad news has already been built into share prices as passage is coming as a surprise to most. Again, I’m not complaining but I think this has to be taken as evidence that the “smartest folks in the room” quietly know the evil insurance-pharmaceutical-device players aren’t ultimately going to be punished in any meaningful way.
I don’t understand it but I’ll take it…a big percent of medical devices are made here in California and our unemployment rate is way above the national average so I’m just grateful that there appears to be life after passage at least for the moment.
Or as the guy who was on Medicare said," I don't want no government run insurance".
I an ambivilent on the thing, but really, something needs to be done. Millions of people with no health care, insurance companies raising the rates.
Companies forced to drop coverage.
Did anyone read about Cheney going to Costa Rica ?
aircooled wrote: Socialism is upon us!!!! Mao will guide us!!!!! We will all be enslaved by the state!!!! Indoctrination!!!! Death Panels!!!!!! The Government is now controlling ALL of the economy and whether you will live or die!!!!!
"...Dogs and Cats living togther, Mass Hysteria!"
Some provisions I have no problem with, such as fixing the 'get a nasty disease and your coverage gets cut off' thing so that becomes illegal. Or removal of the lifetime cap on insurance payouts.
What chaps my ass: assuming this thing does truly become law, if I choose not to buy health insurance I will be fined. Yeah, I can understand that with car insurance but health insurance? That means deciding not to buy health insurance will become one of those 'victimless crimes' the lefties would like to make legal, like possession of pot and prostitution.
Then there is the 'unfunded mandate' problem (which has been proven again and again to be illegal): in short, the Feds tell the states 'we say you gotta do this', the states say 'no money', the Feds say 'tough E36 M3. Do it anyway'.
Also once the DMV gets into health care we are all boogered.
There are a lot of intelligent, idealistic and well-intentioned people who support the reform legislation.
That does not mean they have noodled-out the long-term costs and ramifications it has on their and the country's future. Resources are limited now and nothing in this reform addresses the need to increase those resources in any kind of fiscally responsible manner.
Twenty years hence, I hope the supporters are intellectually honest enough to admit alternatives should have been pursued instead of surrending to your imperial, federal overlord.
carguy123 wrote: What I want to know is what it will take to overturn it after November when they can no longer just vote their pet projects in.
A well armed militia?
John Brown wrote: "If you think your health coverage is expensive now, just wait until it is free!"
The way I read it, it's not free, it's just mandatory.
The way I see it, it's cheaper to pay the fines than to buy (mandatory) health insurance.
What we got was not the universal health car we asked for.
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