Just like the "lunch" and "...got to work" threads...what will you be spinning wrenches on and shedding knuckle skin over this weekend?
Finishing the forms and rebar for the concrete for the carport-becomes-other-half-of-garage project.
EDIT: Also, my guitar. After a decade hiatus, starting to play music with other people again.
My Miata. The clutch slave cylinder failed, so I'll be replacing both the master and slave this weekend. I'm hoping to keep the job under $50.
The E30 if I'm not finished by then. I need it out of the garage NOW as its replacement is on the way...
I'll be running Pink Panther at it's second event and hopefully won't have to bust any knuckles making major adjustments:
Rallycross in the red Miata on Saturday, pulling the transmission out of the black Miata Sunday, enjoying my day off on Monday.
Swapping the engine and transmission on my Miata and helping my friend Chris with his father's XK-120. Then, if we have time, we will launch Chris' Century CTS skiboat. Plenty of opportunities for a transfusion.
I, unlike most people. typically work on saturday and sunday, so weekends to me consist of selling parts and telling customers they're idiots.
I do need to flush the coolant in the sentra, it's, um, poo colored. The camaro also needs an oil change, trans fluid and filter, and the exhaust pieced back together. May do that tommorrow.
gonna be finishing up making room in the shop and getting the 403 up on its stand then maybe if I have time hauling the Olds over from the other house and pushed into my shop.
this week s project for sale
Going to hunting camp so 84 ish MItz hunt truck ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, probably just throw battery in and zoom to put corn out to entice hogs if its to hot might just trap and cut the nutz off them release .
Not a pic of mine, but almost exactly the same except mine has a black interior. I am stripping it for paint now (original paint plus two repaints), and doing some rust repair (it was obviously parked under a tree at some point)
I may be helping a friend move, working on my motorbike and maybe moving the Spitfire somewhere to work on it.
Rear main seal on the flathead, Not fun, but I am looking at a wreck of a 46' Harley for another project.
I will be at the Indy 500, so my knuckles will be busting open many frosty beers, and shoveling unhealthy food down my gullet!
Pulling out the 914 and putting the Cortina in a corner (thanx bone head). The R-90 is legal so burning up two year old gas on a scoot is on the list. Weeks of rain seems to be coming to an end so all this water will be headed up, good for soaring!
Gravel dust on the brick sidewalk, rototill the garden, paint the house foundation.
Coupla 10 minute jobs.
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