Ian F wrote: I got the E30 mostly back together this morning/early afternoon... then planned to go for a bike ride... but instead spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning dust out of the g/f's window a/c... So the ride will happen tomorrow morning, then I'll hopefully have the BMW running for the first time since I limped it home back in August. ...which reminds me... go get the battery charger... battery has been dead for months...
Morning road ride ended up taking most of the day, but I did make progress on the E30. Hope to have it running tonight or tomorrow.
cut the lawn, cleaned my Dad's garage out, cleaned out the full Trailblazer of junk from my Dad's garage, helped son clean Sentra, cut up scrap wood for winter fires, cleaned back patio, sprayed outside perimeter for ants. All house stuff - very little "cool" car stuff.
Until I started thinking about it, I couldn’t figure out what I spent my weekend on:
Went to a movie with the wife (Thor! Meh…), grilled a steak, cleaned out/vacuumed/washed a car, played with kids, cut/installed the last of the flat-stock trim around the top of the kitchen and cleaned up the chop saw mess under the carport, bathed the dog and got him current on Advantix (ticks suck this year!), did some laundry/ dishes/ housecleaning, shuffled baby seats in prep for new arrival next week, spread a few bags of mulch, and enjoyed some peace and quiet while the kids were off swimming at the inlaws house.
I’m tired.
Ribs, potato salad, baked beans, beer with friends unti the mosquitoes took over.
Two flights Sunday under hot & sketchy conditions. First one was 11 minutes, no lift, second one was an hour long.
Friday; some virus/malware removal on 3 computers (side work) then picked up some parts my buddy brought back from pick your part for me (we stashed em last week so he could get them this week for 50%)
Saturday; Hiked the Grotto trail in the Santa Monica mountains with some friends and my son, got home, showered and dropped him off at his mother's. Got home and knocked out for a couple hours, woke up and installed the junkyard corner lense and rear cig lighter panel on the LS400 just to be able to say I did something on the damn thing. Hike kicked my butt for some reason, headache and dehydration had me mostly worthless, was able to marinade ribs and make ceviche for Sunday.
Sunday; Borrowed my mom's Rav4, loaded it up with some of the ex's stuff that I still had in my garage so I could bring it to her storage, didn't end up going. More computer work, now also working on one of the upstairs computer that came down with a nasty rootkit. Did a brake pad change on the LS400, fronts were still meaty but changed em anyway, rears were worn. Wear sensors crumbled upon removal. Flushed the brake system. Picked up my son, helped a friend remove and try to (unsuccessfully) locate a replacement positive battery cable for his 92 DeVille. BBQ'd up some Asian style ribs, corn on the cob, made some walnut shrimp, sister made pancit and bbq ribs, didn't get done cooking till after 9pm.
Monday; Made it out to the Ex's storage, helped get my son's stuff, unloaded her stuff, drove home and unloaded a car full of toys for him to go through, filled his "new" bike up with air and adjusted the seat and handlebars. Sold a playpen on craigs. Buddy picked me up and we went to Chinatown so he could get some squash air fresheners and a cell phone case for his daughter and I got some sugar cane juice. Picked up his dad from Bob Hope airport, went to all you can eat korean bbq ate myself into oblivion. Dropped his dad off, went to vatozone and got supplies to do an oil change on my other sister's c230k. Found an exhaust leak on her manifold. Went with the same buddy down the street to try on some 22's he wanted to buy for his Camry, they didn't fit (thankfully) rotated his tires while we were there and I was able to talk him down on getting heavy dubs. Still finishing up the computer scans and cleaning. Finished doing laundry and taking out the trash for pick up Tues morning. My front livingroom looks like a 2nd hand toy store.
for the TL:DR crowd; I didn't do much of anything.
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