Here's to hoping it isn't anything more than just a really bad case of the flu.
I'm not sure what else I can say that would make sense or be helpful beyond that. But please check in to the madness here if/when you can. Either for yourself or for us.
Hang in there Stamp, and thanks for sharing your details. I've been having some of the same symptoms but no fever or nausea. Hoping it's just the normal crud, but reading what you and CDS is giving me good info.
captdownshift said:In reply to Stampie :
Any time you feel it getting worse, take a shower (as rough as it may feel to) then hydrate and rest. And by hydrate, 36-48oz, not 8-12. Stay out in front. The ebbing and flowing is consistent with the way my symptoms presented themselves, there'd be 12-18 hours of, this isn't too hateful, followed by 2-8 hours of not being confident that I'd see past the next 48. Stay hydrated and out in front.
Captain, were you hydrating with water only , or other stuff like Gatorade, or ???????? I did see your posts about being on intravenous, I think.
In reply to DeadSkunk (Warren) :
Water, Pedialyte, juice, ginger beer and I had 21 litres of fluid via IV before the line was removed. Those 21 litres are why treating at home prior to being tested or getting the results back matter, as it's a tremendous strain on the resources of the system. Even if you're showing one or two symptoms, hell I'd you're asymptomatic at this point, you cannot hydrate enough, and take a multivitamin and shower 2-3x a day. Keep those kidneys and lungs free and clear.
We talk about not spreading it flattening the curve and saving lives, for obvious reasons, but if you're able to self treat and stay ahead of the therecurve then are more resources available for treatment of more severe cases. It's not being talked about enough and I theorize that it could make as much as a 2-5% difference in fatality rate if practiced (though as a populus, we've failed at any best practice measures). And I'm not advocating avoiding treatment, if you think you need medical attention, get it sooner rather than later, but you're also going to need to do more for yourself and your own care then they're able to tell and provide for you.
We as a populus missed the mark on testing, it's here, it's widespread, it's a beast and it's terrorfying. This is where we have a, no pun intended, last gasp at flattened the curve with regards to taxing the healthcare system.
I planned ahead and started Lil Stampie and I on zinc and B complex about two weeks ago when the first cases started showing in the US.
We woke up this morning and Lil Stampie is feeling good. I was feeling better putting myself at a 2 on the suck scale. If it were normal times and days I would have gone to work today. I decided to do some work on Nader's intake and the Model T's sparkplugs. I spent about an hour doing that and it wasn't anything difficult but now I'd say I'm back up to a 3. Temp is only slightly elevated at 98. This is a new thermometer so I'm not sure what normal is but this morning it showed 97.4.
captdownshift said:In reply to DeadSkunk (Warren) :
Water, Pedialyte, juice, ginger beer and I had 21 litres of fluid via IV before the line was removed. Those 21 litres are why treating at home prior to being tested or getting the results back matter, as it's a tremendous strain on the resources of the system. Even if you're showing one or two symptoms, hell I'd you're asymptomatic at this point, you cannot hydrate enough, and take a multivitamin and shower 2-3x a day. Keep those kidneys and lungs free and clear.
You had 21 LITERS of IV bags. In how long a timeframe. My last time in urgent care they gave me 3 liters over about a hour and I was shivering to the core when they were done. I had lost over 10lb's of fluids in a day from food poisoning at the time.
In reply to wearymicrobe :
Wednesday-Saturday. I lost 31 pounds, over 13% of my body mass, from mid February through Sunday before I started gaining again
First we're getting better each day. Thanks for the concerns and thoughts.
Hitting my first bureaucratic BS. My employer is offering paid two weeks if we are quarantined. Everyone agrees that we should but they need a note from a doctor to state that. The doctor won't give that note. It's come down to they will only give a note if we get tested but can't my test us unless my coworker's test comes back as positive. He's still waiting on his results. It's strange to describe the situation and then they come back on the phone and tell me that I should self quarantine. Ok I've been doing that can I get a letter stating that? No we don't do that. I'll get over it.
I'm concerned about my coworker. He's older and this is hitting him hard. He's going to see his primary doctor today. He did not sound good this morning.
In reply to Stampie :
Other fun that's forthcoming with employers versus medical care providers. Release from care documentation. Doctors, understandably and rightfully don't want to release you while still potentially shedding the virus, for obvious reasons, but also for liability purposes. Employers are dug in on 2 weeks, when it'll be 3 to potentially closer to 4 for more significant cases.
People don't quit jobs, they quit managers. There's going to be a lot of job shuffling going on from how various employers handle this. Many also won't realize, unless they get it, that employees would take a full week of work versus one day of dealing with this if given the chance.
captdownshift said:In reply to Stampie :
Other fun that's forthcoming with employers versus medical care providers. Release from care documentation. Doctors, understandably and rightfully don't want to release you while still potentially shedding the virus, for obvious reasons, but also for liability purposes. Employers are dug in on 2 weeks, when it'll be 3 to potentially closer to 4 for more significant cases.
People don't quit jobs, they quit managers. There's going to be a lot of job shuffling going on from how various employers handle this. Many also won't realize, unless they get it, that employees would take a full week of work versus one day of dealing with this if given the chance.
I was ready to quit a job because of the grief my manager gave me about taking a sick day. He ended up firing me, partially because of that (not that it could be proven and Illinois is a Right to Work state... But I got severence and already had a job lined up). Worst manager I've ever had, for reasons other than this, but the lack of flexibility was insane - for instance, a coworker came in every single day at 6AM, left at 5PM. Bossman made him take 2 hours of PTO when he had to leave at 3PM for a doctors appointment.
Probably a reason that I was the 3rd/4th person in that role within a year, and since I left another employee quit on him as well.
In reply to mtn :
It's really frustrating when the job and service the company provides is excellent and needed more than ever right now, and when the 2 direct report supervisors are top notch, but when the directive comes from above them and tells you not to communicate with them or any colleagues.
Which after 48 hours I directly violated whenever a colleague reached out. Knowledge isn't just power, it's safety in this day in age.
Again I want to point out we're mild especially compared to what the Capt went though but I'd like to share how it's progressed with us so others might get an idea of what to expect. Also we aren't confirmed but this isn't acting like any bug or flu I've had before.
To recap we first felt symptoms Monday evening. They peaked Tuesday evening and by Wednesday we both were feeling pretty decent. Last night he felt something come on and took his temp. It was 99.8 which was a new high for him. Little Stampie had nauseous issues each evening but I haven't had any ... until this morning. We woke up and everything was cool. I didn't eat breakfast but I normally don't anyway. I got him started on his first video class and checked on him about 30 minutes later. I walked about 10 feet and said oh E36 M3 my stomach isn't right. I went to the bathroom and within a minute emptied my stomach of all the fluids I had drank this morning. It was strange in that I immediacy felt fine. In fact was eating crackers and replacing the fluids within 10 minutes. Nothing else has happened today.
In reply to Stampie :
Keep hydrating, it hits in waves, feeling okay to decent for 12-16 hours then 2-6 hours of WTF type of spiral. Rush dizziness, weakness and evacuation of systems definitely rings true. Hold the course and hope this is the peak, but the next 48 hours will likely be the strongest runs you'll both see. Once the fevers break, it's nowhere near the end. Hydrate some more.
Hearing some bad stuff out of the hospitals right now. Like 20% survival rate if you need to go on ventilation. Not enough numbers to know if that is true but its a number thatkeeps getting passed around.
In reply to wearymicrobe :
I don't know if I mentioned that I learned another coworker has been tested. It's hitting them hard also. They described it as their lungs being on fire. They also have underlaying medical conditions.
Today has been the best day so far. I don't think either of us are having any issues. Last night right before bed Lil Stampie had a 99,8 fever and a headache. Still have dry cough and what I'd describe of a slight tightness in my chest.
In reply to Stampie :
That dry cough and slight tightness of the chest is what I had going on a week and half ago on Monday and Tuesday until the wheels fell off Wednesday (though I was on 800mg of ibuprofen for the rib and have the myriad of underlying conditions). Keep hydrating and resting. I have little doubt in my mind what test results would yield right now. Stay strong.
Thanks for the updates Stampie.
I'm still thinking I may have had this roughly a month (6 weeks?) ago. Mama is convinced we jus "stirred something up" working in the basement at the old house, but I definitely felt SICK; had frightening shortness of breath, mild body aches, but not so bad I checked my temp or went to the doctor. Honestly, I'm hoping we all had it and just got it out of the way.
Thanks again for the updates, and fingers crossed for a quick recovery!!!
In reply to poopshovel again :
I have a feeling this was "out" way before it really got attention. I'm now sitting in line to be tested. Got here 15 minutes earlier than the other day and I'm 9 to in line. I left Lil Stampie at home so that he can start school this morning. Saturday and Sunday were uneventful. I swear this thing turns you into a vampire. As soon as the sun hits you it just drains your energy. I got to talk to both coworkers yesterday. The first one is feeling much better. He's still worse than me but I'm not as worried about him now. The second is also doing better but again much worse than we are. My dry cough had picked up in intestity this morning. I'm hoping this testing this goes quicker since temp isn't a requirement anymore.
Stampie said:This berking fly is bugging the berk out of me but I'm not supposed to roll down my window.
Confirmed, you have caught the bug.
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