Sometimes I read them and wonder, so I'm asking. I'll start. Mine is a combination of my kids names and one of my favorite words - "race"
Handle that I have used since junior high for online gaming (I think it started out as the name of a DnD character I was playing when Diablo came out) plus The Answer. Evolved into my standard online handle. Yes, I am a huge dork.
I founded two Siberian Husky rescue groups in the last 12 years, have rescued lots of Snowdoggies from the pound and currently have four of them at the house.
I also went to sled dog school at Winter Park, Colorado. I know how to mush.
It's short for my full name - Justin. Yes, I know that's wrong, I've been going by it since I was six and have yet to care.
I have a 1960 Morris Mini Minor. You know, a real Mini, not that bloated German car.
Secretly, though, I also have a 2003 MCS, but it's going on craigslist soon.
My first name is Hessel. My friends call me Hess. At the dawn of teh intr4w3bz, y0, I used to sign my posts "Hess." When the M.D. came along, I changed that to "Dr.Hess."
That, basically. I used to rebuild toner cartridges for laser printers. There's two blades which move the powder onto and off of the drum: the wiper blade and the doctor blade.
If you mumble "Delmarva," where I live, or "tomorrow," when I'll get around to doing something, it sounds a bit like "dimarra."
...which is now what I call my Seven-inspired roadster. (Sounds better than the Procrastinator.)
Back in the heyday of the Fast & Furious / import performance scene, "Type R" stickers were being slapped on just about every Honda with aftermarket wheels here. I was autocrossing a stock Civic at the time. One day when someone asked what was special about my car, I said, "It's a rare Civic Type Q."
"What's a Type Q?"
"The one that came before the Type R"
Years ago I was setting up a fake yahoo email to play a prank on a friend. I was trying to come up with an alias and spotted the restaurant menu on my desk at work. "House of China Restaurant" became Ho Crest...
Did the joke and sort of abandoned that email. A year or so later I was setting up a username somewhere and every variation of Dave Martin was taken, while trying to come up with an alternative I remembered "Ho Crest". Since then, I have never found this username taken on any other site that I have signed up for.
"House of China Restaurant" has since become "Christian Family Chinese Restaurant" and now an empty building, but "Hocrest" lives on.
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