Low-sided the bike on the way to work on Tuesday on what was the only ice in town. I was going around a corner, and slid to the left, as the bike went right. Bike managed to flip from it's left side onto it's right, so it's fairly banged up, but friends who got it home had it run a while, and said it seems fine, with no leaks.
Me, not so good. I have a fractured right thumb, which is making typing difficult. Worse though is that I have little to no movement below my right knee. If I try really hard, I can wiggle my big toe, but that's it. So, no pressing down on the gas pedal any time soon. Thankfully, the wife can drive me around, and I can work from home some. I'll post how PT is going, for now I have a walker and a "foot lifter" that reminds me of the "ghost dog leashes" that they sell at the Haunted Mansion.
Don't feel sorry for me, there's a reason that the license plate on the bile is SNU SNU. I am ever so happy that I have Aflac, which will help to pay for some of my missed time at work (I was an in patient for 2 days).
I'll be getting back on the bike if I can get the leg to work again. If not, I'll have to go to an autotragic Miata, or learn more about hand controls.
1/15/09 10:20 p.m.
Sorry to hear about that dude, best wishes
good luck with a speedy recovery
Tom Heath
Production Editor
1/15/09 11:04 p.m.
Holy crap! I'm sorry to hear about your wreck, that sucks. I'm more sorry to hear about the injuries; good luck with recovery!
Be sure to do all the stupid little things the pt recommends and keep doing them periodically after your treatment is done. I stopped doing my wrist exercises and I pay a price from time to time. Aflac rules, I used the duck for three months after my accident and it was a lifesaver.
Man, sorry to hear that!
+1 on the PT stuff, in fact if you go above and beyond you'll heal faster.
Hey Stanford, while I don't believe in the whole prayers thing I hope you the best. Time for a PTCruiser to run in GStock while you are healing ;)
best of luck! sorry to hear that
Sucks man, sorry
But as I have always known, it's not IF you will fall off two wheels , but when
Be happy it wasn't in Ohio!
They would have needed a blow torch to thaw you off the pavement
( surface temp is -25 deg F in Cols now )
Damn man, and THAT's why I park the bike for 4 months of the year
Best of luck with the physio... Though I admit the winter weather is just a bit more intense in my neck of the woods
Dumb question, I swear I've seen your plate somewhere before... you on any of the cycle boards? ADV maybe?
Awww, Mistanfo, sorry to hear about your wreck... get well soon - and do what the doctors tell you to do!
1/16/09 7:48 a.m.
Awww, cheez-and-rice, I'm sorry to hear about your spill. Best of luck in recovery and PT. PT does work, but man, it is work.
Little confused on the plate.... explain?
Keep at the PT even when you think your better. I quit early and will be paying for it for a long long time. Don't rush it, just get better.
1/16/09 12:38 p.m.
Grtechguy wrote:
Little confused on the plate.... explain?
Futurama reference. Meaning forced sex culminating in the death of the man involved. AKA, if you're going to go, probably the best way. Not hard to see how this applies to a motorcycle :).
Sorry to hear about your wreck. Is your leg broken or is it some sort of nerve or muscle damage? Either way, I hope it's reversable. Get well!
When I broke my left leg, it just wouldn't respond at all. One of my buds had to lift my foot and put it on the peg so I could ride my bike out. It was probably a day or so before it would respond to anything I told it to do.
Had to go back to the ER today, the pain was unbearable, AND I picked up a nasty GI bug. Right leg has feeling (normal, same as the left), the ECD (I think that's what it's called) showed no obvious nerve damage, but I have trouble getting it to move. I can move it from the hip, but not much below the knee. I will be calling the PT people on Monday (I'll try tomorrow, though I don't know if they'll be open).
Yes, the plate is a Futurama reference, and my own way of putting something on the plate that Virginia says I can't have (any sexual reference). I lurk on ADV rider some, on stromtrooper more.
Thanks for all the well wishes, I know how hard PT is, but what the rewards are.
So, I was watching a bit on the CES show on CNN today, and they had Dave Mustain's daughter on for 10 seconds or so. I tried to throw the heavy metal salute, but all I got was

Hopefully, I get good news when I have my follow up visit in a week.
And yesterday afternoon, the leg suddenly started working normally. The docs told me that there was a good possibility of this happening, and that it is also possible that it will stop working again, before finally staying in the working position.
Glad to hear it!
Mine quit for about a day and a half, then started working again but it hurt like hell, then it quit working for about six months.
I think the cast was responsible for that.