I need my muzzle brake modified so that my adjustable gas block and be adjusted. Here's the brake.
I need the top part turned down. Basically where the flats are to the very end. The flats are .6875 inch and I think that would give me enough. So it would be turned down to the minimal size it already is. My gunsmith didn't want to do it but in his defense I originally asked for .625 inch.
Here's the interference.
Depending on how it was hardened you could create a stress riser at the base of the flange you turned down or require annealing and re-hardening. Also not sure what gas pressures the Muzzle Brakes see so losing that much material could be a concern for failure that way.
Kill you? Not likely, muzzle brake could fail in use or develop cracks etc.. the shrapnel would be going out vs. back. But the recent Kentucky Ballistics video probably has most people a bit more skittish.
Does someone make one to clear that feature? Might be better off with a whole new one.
In reply to Cchambers13 :
This is about the smallest I could find. It is made of titanium if that makes a difference. My other option is to take just the lip edge down where the screw is. That would require me to remove the screw, install the brake, and then reinstall the screw. But it would be just a slight divot.
From what I remember, titanium doesn't harden like steel, it generally work hardens as you machine it if you aren't careful.
I'll check on that, though.
I'm not going to say yea or nay, but an observation.
When looking at the pictures I notice that the area you are looking to turn down would be over the threads. It looks like the threads might even extend beyond the section you want to turn down.
If the brake isn't installed what is threaded onto the end of the barrel and what is its diameter?
In reply to No Time :
If you look at the second picture you'll see the thread protector I'm currently using to the right. It's OD is .610. I used it to make measurements off of. I have another thread protector that's 18mm (.709 in) OD knurled. The 18mm thread protector is an interference fit to the adjustment screw but I think the screw kinda cocks to the side. Let me know if that makes sense.
It looks to me like you want to be able to adjust the gas block while your muzzle brake is on the rifle?
How long is the one you have? Is it a short barrel with a pistol length gas system?
If so, why are you adjusting it? (not a snarky question) Are you running subs and supers and also alternating between suppressed sometimes? Or just chasing the last few percent out of hand loads?
In reply to Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) :
So yes pistol length. Light weight build with light weight BCG and buffer weights. All that together would lead to an over gassed condition so the adjustable gas block. I could do an adjustable key but this adjustable gas block is the superior solution. I guess that's where they got their company name from. The light weight plus pistol build means I'd like to have a muzzle break. Yes I could adjust with the tread protector but I'd rather have the muzzle break.
Edit - short barrel at 9.5 inches long but carbine length gas system. Parts availability means I had to get a carbine length barrel cut down to the 9.5 inches.
Stampie said:In reply to Cchambers13 :
This is about the smallest I could find. It is made of titanium if that makes a difference. My other option is to take just the lip edge down where the screw is. That would require me to remove the screw, install the brake, and then reinstall the screw. But it would be just a slight divot.
The divot was my first thought, But my metallurgy is self taught, so...
In reply to OHSCrifle :
No the screw is about as small as can be. I looked it last night and divot idea won't work. It needs to be turned down. Think I'll just go for it.
Post up right before you go shooting the first time after you mod it. If you don't post again after a couple months we'll know the answer was yes.
Just thinking out loud...
The pressure is highest behind the projectile right up to when it leaves the barrel, correct?
Based on that the thread protector will see the same peak pressure as the muzzle brake in the thread area. This assumes the brake diverts gas flow and isn't raising pressure.
Therefore, if the .6875" is larger than the .610" thread protector it should have sufficient strength to be safe.
This does assume similar material properties and that the muzzle brake doesn't increase the peak pressure in the barrel.
On Edit: Full disclosure I don't have in depth knowledge of firearms and gas management (my experience is pump shotguns, bolt action rifles, and muzzle loaders) so there a lot going on in the build That is beyond my experience and expertise.
Stampie said:In reply to secretariata (Forum Supporter) :
Thanks for your vote of confidence.
I have full confidence in your ability to be a forum Guinea pig!
Maybe beta tester is more appropriate than Guinea pig?
Stampie said:Edit - short barrel at 9.5 inches long but carbine length gas system. Parts availability means I had to get a carbine length barrel cut down to the 9.5 inches.
If it were me, and the part was available, I'd get a barrel with a pistol length gas system and put the adjustable gas block on that barrel so that the brake would actually fit on it and I could adjust it on the fly.
Parts are generally back in stock in a lot of places.
In reply to Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) :
Yeah but I'm working with what I got plus Palmetto State Armory will never get another dollar from me. I may get another barrel later on but the ones I like are sold out still.
In reply to Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) :
Damn you for making sense and everything. Got to looking. What I want is in stock now. They had two but now just one.
I do try to make sense.
It's also true that you can NEVER have too many spare parts.
What did Palmetto do to hurt you? I've never had a problem with them, but I usually just buy parts.
In reply to Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) :
So sit down.
It started two years ago. I wanted a stripped lower. They were out of stock online but hey I was heading to SC for my annual vacation with the family. I tried calling them to see if it was in their stores. Their stores don't answer their phones. I tried calling their 1-800 number. They don't answer that either. They tell you to email them. Like two weeks later I get a response saying yes their stores have them. They ignored my question of if being an out of state resident if it would be a problem buying one. I ask again. They never respond.
So I get up there. Yep they have it in stock. Nope they can't sell it to me because you guessed it I'm out of state and it could be made into a pistol. So no lower for me.
But wait there's more ...
This spring I go to build my first AR. I say Hey Self I'll give Palmetto State Armory another chance and I order a lower build kit from them. I'm pleasantly surprised that it ships the next morning. I'm like oh well I guess I was wrong about them. Until it comes in and instead of the stock it's supposed to have it has a pistol brace. Ok maybe I screwed up and ordered the wrong thing. Nope I ordered it right. Contact them and they're all oh yeah no problem we'll send you the correct stock. Several days later I haven't gotten a shipping number. I call and they're like oh it's going out tomorrow. It didn't. Couple of weeks later still no word I find on ar15.com that they have a sub forum. I complain there. Finally I get someone that get's it shipped out. Then they delete my post so that other's can't see the complaint.
So no they won't get my money. To the point that this pistol build I ordered a Rise lower parts kit because a good vendor I like uses PSA lower parts kits only. Berk PSA in the deepest darkest hole they have.
But I try not to hate. Carry on.
Since I believe in supporting good venders, here's who I like dealing with.
These guys are fast. Great prices and I've often gotten the order before they send me the tracking number. They unfortunately use PSA lower build kits.
Yeah one of those big guys but damn they have everything. I always see estimates of shipping going to take two weeks but get it in a few days. It's been less than 4 hours since my order above and I already have a shipping number.
Oh yea V7.
Again fast shipping and nice quality parts but damn Lil Stampie isn't going to get an inheritance if I keep buying from them. The muzzle brake above is theirs.
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