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SVreX SuperDork
12/26/09 12:49 p.m.

My wife gave me skydiving. My first time.

Nearly 50 and she wants to push me out of an airplane.

Not sure if I should be really excited, or if she is just after my insurance.

sachilles HalfDork
12/26/09 1:25 p.m.

In reply to SVreX:

Joke is on her, the insurance won't pay out for a sky diving accident.

Salanis SuperDork
12/26/09 1:34 p.m.
AngryCorvair wrote:
Josh wrote:
Salanis wrote: 3-day Skip Barber Mazdaspeed Race School at Laguna Seca (combined b-day/x-mas gift) from my grandparents. Apparently my main present from my dad is still in shipping from Hong Kong (I have no idea what it is). And a Glock Model 17!
Damn, your family doesn't mess around!
no E36 M3! so far, Salanis wins for gifts (imo, of course)!

Also, my step-sister and her boyfriend get their first track days Monday with use of my dad's and my Miatas. Thunderhill is having a special "family and friends" event. My grandfather is also going to try it too.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
12/26/09 2:39 p.m.

I got clothes. Sad thing is that I really wanted and needed them!

NYG95GA SuperDork
12/26/09 3:42 p.m.
SVreX wrote: </ci ...Nearly 50 and she wants to push me out of an airplane.

Could be a hint?

f86sabjf New Reader
12/26/09 4:27 p.m.
SVreX wrote: My wife gave me skydiving. My first time. Nearly 50 and she wants to push me out of an airplane. Not sure if I should be really excited, or if she is just after my insurance.

I so want to do this but i got to get under the weight limit first. Have fun

SVreX wrote: My wife gave me skydiving. My first time. Nearly 50 and she wants to push me out of an airplane. Not sure if I should be really excited, or if she is just after my insurance.

I got the same for my wife a few years ago for her b-day. It was the coolest, dumbest, scariest, most fun terrifying thing we have ever done. Neither has any desire to do it again, but it is something that I proud to say I've done!

Make sure you get the video guy to tape it also. People tend to make some funny faces when falling at 100 mph @ 14,000 ft.

SVreX SuperDork
12/26/09 7:19 p.m.

WE??? What's this WE stuff??

I said absolutely NOTHING about HER doing it. There's no way, no how.

She wants ME to do it!

4g63t Reader
12/26/09 7:32 p.m.
Grtechguy wrote:
CamaroKeith wrote: Girlfriend conspired with family & friends and bought me a Kawasakl 750 Spectre


I am ELR658

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
12/27/09 6:25 a.m.
f86sabjf wrote:
SVreX wrote: My wife gave me skydiving. My first time. Nearly 50 and she wants to push me out of an airplane. Not sure if I should be really excited, or if she is just after my insurance.
I so want to do this but i got to get under the weight limit first. Have fun

When my wife looked into it one place said i could be strapped to a pallet and pushed out like a jeep.

I got lots of socks, bringing me one step closer to my dream of never wearing the same pair twice.

4cylndrfury Dork
12/27/09 6:47 a.m.

Im a bit late to the party, but this year I was lucky enough to get a:

  1. 3 gallon, twin tank Campbell Hausfeld compressor
  2. Craftsmen 7 amp Angle Grinder
  3. Craftsmen 3/8" chuck 7 amp Drill
  4. Craftsmen 3/8" drive deep welled socket set
  5. Craftsmen 20pc Titanium coated drill bit set
  6. Craftsmen cordless work light
  7. Garage Fire Extinguisher
  8. Keurig Coffee maker - Gotta have my rocket fuel!!
  9. A 3-in-1 Lego's F1/Rail buggy/Touring car set
  10. Clothes/shoes/Who-dey Bengals Gear!!!

I was very spoiled and I feel like I got more than I deserve. God bless those who didnt have enough to eat or a warm place to sleep this christmas, and god bless those in harms way this year fighting to ensure my safety and that of my family.

SVreX SuperDork
12/27/09 6:59 p.m.
Wally wrote: When my wife looked into it one place said i could be strapped to a pallet and pushed out like a jeep.

Holy !#$!

I nominate Wally for the funniest guy on the planet!

That one left both me and my wife laughing hysterically in tears!

I'd even consider moving back to NYC, if you'll just promise to be my friend.

Jensenman SuperDork
12/27/09 7:12 p.m.

miwifri New Reader
12/27/09 8:06 p.m.

In reply to Jensenman:

Not just aftershave.

Twin_Cam Dork
12/27/09 8:30 p.m.

Craftsman 1/2" drive 250 ft-lb torque wrench. Oh yea.

And a shirt that says, "Resistance is futile (if <1 ohm)" on it...

Gearheadotaku GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
12/28/09 11:51 a.m.

I'm gettin' nuthin' for Christmas, cuz I've been nothin' but bad....

Let myself use some vacation days and buy gas to go south for a week and see the family.

81gtv6 GRM+ Memberand Reader
12/28/09 12:23 p.m.

I got a season pass to Mid Ohio. That was about it for me, most of our spending was done on our two boys.

wbjones HalfDork
12/28/09 12:31 p.m.

good for the boys... but great for you... I'm scheduled for my first visit to Mid-Ohio this coming Labor Day.. so looking forward to it

93celicaGT2 SuperDork
12/28/09 12:35 p.m.

GRM subscription
Yaqin CD-2 Tube buffer AR banana-terminated 10g speaker cables
Speaker spikes
Deep fryer
Slow cooker
electric griddle
assorted cds
Craftsman mechanics tool set

All in all, a good haul!

Jake HalfDork
12/28/09 1:01 p.m.

Let us see.

Wife and I went a bit overboard this year, I think. I got her an 8GB iPod touch, a peacoat, a wallet to match the new purse she got at a pre-christmas sale (somebody said "poor impulse control" earlier...), and several different pairs of gloves/hat/scarf ind of things since she's always cold. We don't get much occasion to wear that stuff in AL, but she looks cute in it, so...

She got me: A couple of guitar instruction books that she located in my

Amazon.com cart

A tool belt (I'm actually pretty excited about this)

New jacket

A pick-your-smell cologne sampler from Sephora

MarioKart (pre-training for the 4-year-old when I get him a yard kart in another year or so...)

and (fanfare) MR. BEER!

I have been wanting to try homebrewing for a while now, but the wife's Baptist upbringing has had her making the Marge Simpson Sound of Vague Disapproval any time I have mentioned it in the past. I guess I'll just have to prove by my actions that I can have gallons of beer on hand and not feel the need to drink it all at once. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.

As an aside, not really a Christmas gift, but the old RX7 I sold to my wife's uncle may be boomeranging back to me. Turns out he hasn't had time to get it quite right either, and so I might buy it back. The "gift" part is the wife's blessing to do so...

The kids? Oh, they made out like tiny bandits. They are spoilt, rotten rotten rotten. :)

All told, it was a wonderful, wonderful holiday- best in recent memory. Everybody was happy, loads of family and friends, good times.

wbjones HalfDork
12/28/09 1:11 p.m.
Jake wrote: and (fanfare) MR. BEER! I guess I'll just have to prove by my actions that I can have gallons of beer on hand and not feel the need to drink it all at once. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.

let me know how that works out for ya....

CamaroKeith New Reader
12/28/09 6:53 p.m.
Grtechguy wrote:
CamaroKeith wrote: Girlfriend conspired with family & friends and bought me a Kawasakl 750 Spectre

If you are talking about the girlfriend, that's what my friends have told me. Not to thread-jack but bday was a 3 day trip to this exotic place - Watkins Glen and a "just because" gift was the 3 book set "Best Damn Garage in Town"

(If you were talking about the bike - yeah, cause its in good shape!)

4g63t / ELR658: I'll check it out. Thanks!

Duke SuperDork
12/28/09 7:00 p.m.

Got The Art of Racing In The Rain, Shop Class As Soulcraft, a bunch of good CDs, a nice coffee maker, and a pair of Mechanix gloves.

ignorant SuperDork
12/28/09 7:14 p.m.
wbjones wrote:
Jake wrote: and (fanfare) MR. BEER! I guess I'll just have to prove by my actions that I can have gallons of beer on hand and not feel the need to drink it all at once. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.
let me know how that works out for ya....

I got one for xmas a few yars ago. I believe I regifted it... Let me know how the beer turns out.

Lesley SuperDork
12/28/09 8:01 p.m.

Am I the only one who got a model of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile?

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