People who blast down a lane that they know closes in a few yards in the middle of a traffic jams. People who go like 25mph over and then sit 3 inches from your rear bumper (I noticed they were all driving Dodge Rams).
96DXCivic wrote: People who blast down a lane that they know closes in a few yards in the middle of a traffic jams. People who go like 25mph over and then sit 3 inches from your rear bumper (I noticed they were all driving Dodge Rams).
Lane-busters are everywhere. Let them in line unless you're in an expendable vehicle bigger than theirs.
As for bumper-turds, if you're not in the left lane and impeding the flow of traffic, you could use the windshield washers. The moron behind you gets the overspray and (maybe) a clue.
Free muffler inspections are getting more affordable every day, seems like people are just begging to get up under there and have a look, even when you are doin' 10 over. A little ammonia in the rear wiper reservoir can do wonders for improving the view in the mirror though.
96DXCivic wrote: People who blast down a lane that they know closes in a few yards in the middle of a traffic jams. People who go like 25mph over and then sit 3 inches from your rear bumper (I noticed they were all driving Dodge Rams).
I normally block those people.....esecially when I'm in my beater Dodge Ram dually.
it drives me crazy when people ignore the "lane ends" signs...and it drives me even crazier when the guy in front of me decides to let them in...and it makes me absolutley batsh&t crazy when i get upset and my wife is in the passenger seat telling me its no big deal, she does it all the time. The day the state decides she too old to drive (probably because of her crummy eyesight) will be the best day of my life!
I found a solution for this when I lived in Atlanta:
Its is called an F250 with a trailer hitch. Best ATL commuter car there is.
Miami is really bad about this. One stretch of road, Golden Glades interchange has at least 10 merge lanes in 5 miles. They dodge and weave all over the place, use left turn lanes to make right turns, etc. Yeah, F-250 with extended hitch would be handy, but the ones that try to cut in front would not be deterred. Also, here, the natives are very well armed, best not to piss them off too much.
had a guy behind me the other night driving so close that i couldn't even see their headlights. and for no good reason other than they just wanted to get up under there and take a look. so as we come up to the next red light i turn off O/D and drop down into 3rd, then brake. not like slam on the brakes, just on the brakes enough to get the lights on and then start slowing down a little quicker as if someone just cut in front of me and i need to stop one car shorter.
then i hear it, screeeeee of the guy locking em up in the middle of traffic. he didnt hit me, and i didnt want him to, just wanted to make him look like a moron in front of everyone, and get the hell where i can see him back there.
of course then there was two nights ago when i nearly turned an xB inside out because the guy STOPPED AT A GREEN LIGHT
I have noticed that 99% of the drivers of late model hemi powered mopars are very rude and agressive drivers. I will be happy if they stop making them soon. lol
This time of year we have a lot of new potholes after all of the freezing weather. This makes for good play when I have a tailgater though, as I can see them coming and they cannot. I just ride with a wheel lined up just perfect and sidestep it just at the last sec. Good times, good times.
Eh- no reason to get your panties in a bunch. The Hemi Mopar asshats probably are much more important than you are and because they are so important, are in a hurry. Just a discreet turning on of the lights is much better, and safer, than a brake check for a tailgater. Of course there's always the dog/rabbit/animal that ran out in front of you that you had to avoid, but that's little consolation when you're in a neck brace or worse.
So if the lane closes Mile Marker 31, I'm supposed to move over at MM 28? berkeley that, I'm going to MM 30.9. If the construction crew wanted everyone to move over at MM28, they'd put the bloody barricades there.
and it makes me absolutley batsh&t crazy when i get upset and my wife is in the passenger seat telling me its no big deal, she does it all the time.
Sounds like there is some choking of a certain "person" (if an shiny happy person is a shinny happy person, what is a bitch?) that needs to be contemplated. Just sayin'
I hate being tailgated. So what I do is loook for someone who is leaving a reasonable gap in between themself and the car in front. I'll then merge and drive in front of that person. When someone rolls up on my back bumper, I'll put my signal on and change lanes at the first opportunity so they can go ride someone else's bumper.
Salanis wrote: Two words: Trailer. Hitch.
I used to work with a guy who drove a 70ish cutlass you know big land barge 2 door, had the rear end jacked up on air shocks. You remember the old school trailer hitches, you know the flat piece of metal that sticks out behind your bumper about 1/2-3/4 inches thick with a hole drilled in it so you can put a ball on there, yep had one of them to. At least once a week he would come into work telling me he got another one, wasn't sure what he was talking about till I rode with him one day. Rolling along in traffic, and "I hate it when people tailgate" take his foot off the throttle give it a block or two and brake check....bump, pssshhhhhhh steam everywhere. Got the point.
cwh wrote: Miami is really bad about this. One stretch of road, Golden Glades interchange has at least 10 merge lanes in 5 miles. They dodge and weave all over the place, use left turn lanes to make right turns, etc. Yeah, F-250 with extended hitch would be handy, but the ones that try to cut in front would not be deterred. Also, here, the natives are very well armed, best not to piss them off too much.
Forward mounted hitch, see it all the time on mud rigs around here. Winch mounted on a plate with the proper sized square tubing. now your winch goes front to back or locked up. That being said, I've seen a F250 4x4 on 37's with the round tube pasture gates mounted to the sides and front, the guy used it for herding cattle on his farm, could swing the side gates forward and lock them to make the truck WWAAAYY wide, then he figured out that NOONE cut him off for some reason when he drove it on the street.
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