The only thing is fairness to Pro. He missed a race last week.
Air can you run by the rule's committee the possibility's of adding another track to the series but also adding one drop? Not sure how this would work out for the points but I think it would be more fair to pro and sauce since postponing a race for my schedual is not exactly right. The server and the race can run with out me or Pro can host so it is not like the race can't go on with me.
I'll probably be on tonight.
As for the other discussions, I'm fine with any or all of the proposals in regards to pushing a week, adding a round, and/or adding a drop.
What track do we add though? Something a bit classic would be nice. That track Brad will be running could work also.
I dug up the 1967 version of the glen. It is a fast but short track. It is in the drive. We could run VIR or Sonoma as well. I think all are vintage tracks.
Oh and the HC of 4 has slowed the corvette down a bunch!!! I am two seconds off sauce and pro in testing tonight.
You guys probably already know / have this, bit sharing anyway:
What were the laptimes like? I got stuck dealing with a real car tonight, but ran a few laps earlier today.
I was running low 1:42s. Sauce and Pro were 1:40s. I think Sauce got a 1:39 in there. The HC is going to crush my chances of winning on speed. I am going to have to try the consistency thing if I want a decent finish. This track is also a handling track not a power track.
I am loving not having a HC, at least I can make a race out of it with the advantage. Do some of you guys run tonight also? I will be on this evening.
Tonight is two drink Tuesday. I have not been joining them the last couple weeks due to my schedule. Really good drivers over there but it can get extremely silly (makes it fun) sometimes.
I am 100 percent out tomorow. Server is up and running. Pro can you be the backup and host if there is a problem?
If there is a server issue Air has my number I should be in transit and will be reachable. I can get ahold of my son who will be home if we need hands on the server to fix something. .
TDT was rowdy last night and a lot of fun. Pro was running up front and I was hanging out mid pack and there was great racing all around. We were running the old civic type R, which drives nicely and keeps the racing tight. I'm 50/50 on making it tonight, but hopefully things work out.
Ha, I wish I was up front! I was hanging around 3rd/4th in both races. The second race the traffic getting up to the front killed me. I was happy just to escape the pack halfway through
Now that I think about it, it's probably best to use your server tonight dean and just switch to something fun if any issues pop up. I haven't run specific handicaps on the server before and I don't recall all the restrictor settings
How many people are out for tonight did we decide if it's going to be a points event?
I am available, but I don't think we should run for points. If for no other reason, if we have any server issue / needs we are stuck. I also suspect a low general attendance.
With all the practice we will have, next week should make far a good race.
The Glen course we tested last night obviously better for the corvette than Laguna. We should look at VIR and Sonoma and see how those race.
Game boy and I had a great rac going until I crashed. All the added weight really makes my car not want to change direction rapidly. The corkscrew really brought that problem to light last night.
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