Believe it or not I am greatly interested in the opinion of others. None of this works with out people showing up and that usually requires that people are having fun.
The HC is meant to try and promote closer racing. I would much rather be racing someone for the whole race than just putting laps in. I had the closest racing in the last series than any in a really long time. This is what I am trying to have happen by slowing the hot shoes down pulling them back to the rest of the field. But at the same time not punishing them so much they don't have fun. At the end of the day the better driver should be winning I just want them to have to work harder. I want it to be a battle to the last lap of the last race.
From what I saw the good drivers still finished up front but it was very close race both on the track and in the points. There was also a great battle in the mid pack. If I remember there was 5 drivers covered by seven points going in to the last race. I don't know how to make that any closer/better.
I think some tweaking of the new system is on the table. But stepping back and looking at the big picture I think the HC system we used worked extremely well.
HIghlights from the final race, with another special intro:
I can't tell if "loose the lead" was an intended pun or just bad spelling
11/30/24 3:18 p.m.
Awesome! Great wrap-up vid for the Singers. 
11/30/24 6:28 p.m.
Dean's intro's are getting better and better :D
In reply to Piguin :
I put a bit more time in to this one. Air also was a huge help with script ideas.
In reply to TravisTheHuman :
Uhm, yeah, I totally mean to do that... is pretty good as is though.
I was going to cut out the "s" in IllinoiS, but I am guessing that was on porpoise?
Picked up a R0DE Podmic and an arm. Hopefully my voice will sound better /require less correction to sound normal by air. I am waiting on cables at the moment. It was not shipped with any. This got decent reviews and was recomended by a friend mostly because they make excellent stands/arms. I think he recomended it as he is not happy with the Blue mic he got and is hoping it is good so he will upgrade.

I had an old German made mic I used in my radio days that I liked. Nothing special just a good balance at all ranges. I can not find it.I think it was a Neumann. I should ask my daughter if she has it as she was doing some radio as a side bit of fun. I may have gifted it to her.