My ole Sim-Rig has finally been retired.
Check these stats from my old, but relible beast running Win7.
While it couldn't run the new stuff at high settings, it WAS rock stable and lasted 14 years. The above specs was from 2010
I ran mostly SimBin and ISI based racing games on it. Just recently, Simraceway and RaceRoom Experience have been added . . . Yes it ran those at "medium" settings without any issues
Now it's time to move on and repurpose it to the Garage PC. I'm doing a scary low sub-$400 budget build. I've had extremely good luck running some refurbed PCs from Newegg. They can be acquired with a decent ammount of ram (8GB) and Core2Duo @ 3GHz starting as low as $150. I'm thinking about grabbing one and throwing a fairly modern R7 370 card, stab in it, and drive old ass games (plus a few new ones) for the next 13 years.
What sayeth the peanut gallery?
Peanut gallery says wait for a new egg deal and pickup a GTX 960ti cheap to round it out so you can actually run modern stuff as well for steam sales.
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