Made entirely from leftover materials from the last ChumpCar build, and a discarded 911 seat. I can make another one just for you per your specs- [shameless plug] just support my crowd funded 2nd race car [/shameless plug]
Now modified to use REAL e30 steering wheel for moar realzness.
I remember seeing one that was essentially a large box with a lid. When not in use it looked like a coffee table. You removed the lid, and the bits folded out and you sat in it, single-seat, cockpit-style. I've always like that idea.
you are thinking of the ottoman cockpit
My wife would love it if I could hide mine like that.
This is very relevant to my interests.
I use my gaming PC for more than driving sims so I need either a completely separate "remote" sim rig, or one that goes in front of a desk and can be moved out of the way easily. In any case it needs to be able to be stored in a very small amount of space. And it needs to be able to hold everything I use - full G27 setup, keyboard, mouse, maybe monitor and 12v fan.
I used to use a folding table pushed up against the computer desk, pedals on the floor weighed down with old car batteries to keep them from moving, office chair blocked in place with old computers to keep it from moving. An awful clumsy setup but it worked for about 20 minutes at a time. Then I'd have to readjust everything since nothing was anchored down quite well enough.
I have an old LCD monitor that would be big enough if held about steering-wheel-distance from my face. I've been thinking of something like the ottoman, but where the lid opens forwards, props up, and a screen and fan are on the inside. I'd also like a mesh seatback with a fan blowing through's bloody hot here even when you're not moving.
failboat wrote: you are thinking of the ottoman cockpit My wife would love it if I could hide mine like that.
Yep. That's it.
I like my Xlerator XL4 wheel stand from The wide footprint on the couch makes it pretty stable despite not being secured. It stands up for quick beer runs, and throwing it in the closet when I'm done keeps my wife happy. My only complaint is that the black rubber feet left stains on the carpet when new. However, we steam clean the carpet pretty often and I don't see any permanent stains after 2 years of use. Replacing them with white feet from a hardware store is plan B.
Race mode:
Beer mode:
Here is mine. Its just a $8 harbor freight rolling tool holder. Works pretty well. All I did was remove the roller and flatem 1 ear. I use a poang and the carpet groppers hold the pedals fine.
Bought one of these today: (Aldi - $39.99)
It went together pretty well and seems like its fairly decent construction. I put mine together without the castors since it will be going on carpeting. I was able to position the wheel pretty much exactly where I wanted it and race from the comfort of the couch. Unfortunately, it had just a bit too much "flex" to it. The single post design just wasn't quite strong enough so. . . back to the drawing board. Took it over to Pop's shop and "tweaked" it a little (his favorite word). We ended up dropping an extra piece of square stock steel from the unsupported side of the table down to the base. Now, I'd say its pretty much perfect. Unfortunately, even though it only took about an hour, we needed a welder, metal chop saw, scrap steel, fasteners, etc. Didn't really cost anything extra, but not exactly an easy DIY if you don't have shop. Sorry, no pics at this point, but it pretty much looks like the add with an extra brace and no castors. I don't honestly know if you could get by without adding the brace to it. It was a little wobbly for my taste, but probably not a whole lot worse than a TV tray.
kazoospec wrote: Bought one of these today: (Aldi - $39.99)It went together pretty well and seems like its fairly decent construction. I put mine together without the castors since it will be going on carpeting. I was able to position the wheel pretty much exactly where I wanted it and race from the comfort of the couch. Unfortunately, it had just a bit too much "flex" to it. The single post design just wasn't quite strong enough so. . . back to the drawing board. Took it over to Pop's shop and "tweaked" it a little (his favorite word). We ended up dropping an extra piece of square stock steel from the unsupported side of the table down to the base. Now, I'd say its pretty much perfect. Unfortunately, even though it only took about an hour, we needed a welder, metal chop saw, scrap steel, fasteners, etc. Didn't really cost anything extra, but not exactly an easy DIY if you don't have shop. Sorry, no pics at this point, but it pretty much looks like the add with an extra brace and no castors. I don't honestly know if you could get by without adding the brace to it. It was a little wobbly for my taste, but probably not a whole lot worse than a TV tray.
Buy a second one, use the upright components on the first. problem resolved.
In reply to John Brown: I actually thought about that and it certainly could be done. You'd just need to re-drill the attachment point on the base and cut the "arm" that goes under the tray on one side or the other. There's a little bit of "flex" in the joint between the leg and the base, so it might still be a little unsteady. And, of course, you'd have $80.00 into it at that point.
And Spool, you clearly have the fastest TV tray in the universe, so far be it from me to be hatin' on it.
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