I just bought a 1985 Vulcan 700. Where do you buy tires & stuff? I have bought from Dennis Kirk in past. Paid $500. It needs tires, battery and spark plug wires. I bought it from my brother in PA. I will try to post pics if I can figure that out.
Find a local tire dealer in your area. You should always check dates on your tires, there's a spot on tires with 4 numbers (usually in an oval imprint). These numbers are the date it was manufactured. The first 2 numbers are the week it was made and the second 2 numbers are the year. I always shoot for tires no more than one and a half years old. Although some websites sell tires at an affordable rate, some are known for selling old tires and not storing tires in a climate controlled environment which will result in a dangerous and dry tire that will wear out very fast. I've seen "new" tires from one of them that are already starting to dry rot. If you do buy tires online make sure they can give you the date of manufacture beforehand and inquire on their storage of the tires. Dunlop 404 is an excellent tire and very affordable, they're sticky and they don't wear too fast. I'm not afraid to kneedrag with these. Also, the dreaded Wal-Mart has good prices on batteries. Hope this helps and ride safe.
Check tire prices at Kirk and motorcycle superstore then go see your local guy often they'll match the big guys prices and not nail you on shipping and someone has to put it on and balance it so might as well be the local guy.
44Dwarf wrote: Check tire prices at Kirk and motorcycle superstore then go see your local guy often they'll match the big guys prices and not nail you on shipping and someone has to put it on and balance it so might as well be the local guy.
Good point above!
If you're not going to install the tire yourself, you should definitely talk to local shops before buying online.
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