Ill Coles notes it for ya.
83 gs450 suzi Pods Hollowed exhaust 13,000 orig miles.
last week took carbs off and jets (main) out to see what it has and what I need
Forget to put old jets back in. Order jets. While waiting get wrestles, put carbs back on without main jets, and stock pilots.
Bike rips for a little 450 and makes me smile, runs great sans jets
Get new jets tonight , pull it apart to install and realize my ride was without jets.
Change the pilot and the mains, as per some threads. Bike has flat spots, stinks like its running rich.
My suspicion is the pilots, but being my first bike I wanna be sure.
Also changed 1 tooth on the front gear, what a blast to ride.
So your saying that you were running it with no main and no pilot jets?
If it ran good without the mains, I say thats not too surprising, because the needle jets were doing most if the work until WOT, then it would go pig rich, but at that point it hard to notice.
Most bike's factory jetting is on the lean side, I've never heard of anyone needing to go down in jet sizing. Also, the difference between real gasoline and e10 could be coming into play too.
My best guess is that it needs to go up a few sizes on the pilot, also double check that all the pilot circuit passages are clear and working correctly. Also, are you sure that the enrichment circuit (choke) is working correctly.
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