Update to the stand up scooter project: Paint and finishing done:
Disc brakes and highflow custom exhaust added
Custom highflow intake added
200cc goped project
Sny issues with the tires having heat problems from the speeds? Or have you just used it for short runs, where that isn't an issue?
I built a go-cart using wheel-barrow tires when I was a kid, three laps around a very long block, and they were coming seperating from the rim. Granted, they were tubeless, but they had bearings, and bolted on so easy....I used a 3/12 hp engine from a land mower, belt drive, and a "clutch" from the center section of a bicycle wheel bolted to bar stock, that in turn was bolted to the frame. When I pushed the bar-stock lever forward, it tightened the belt, and away I went. It was fun. Until I melted the tires....
Thanks ya'll
I have only done short runs so far for shakedowns, so tires are not an issue. Plus they are very old tires from recycled bikes. Once I finish it up, I will get better tires and possible disc brakes. I didn't expect it to go 40 mph. It is geared pretty low also so it has good torque. But hay, a 60lbs vehicle with 7 hp 11lbs/ft of torque should move out pretty good.
I am an old man...I won't be doing max speed. been there done that. Too many surgeries, too many broken bones But, here is how it looks with onboard Video:
motomoron wrote: Cool. Keep the orthopedist on speed dial.
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