Bike is a 73 RD 250 with the oil injection system. This weekend will be the first start in a couple of years. I replaced all the rubber lines, bled the oil injection, cleaned out the tank and added extra filters. Should I add some oil to the gas as insurance? How much?
No do not add oil to the gas as that will make it run lean on the fuel as the oil will ocupy that space in the carb. Pull the plugs add 2 squirts down the plug holes of marvel or 2stroke oil. then open the carbs fully add 2 more squirts as deep in to the reed cage as you can then close the throttle, turn on gas flow and kick it over a few times this sould help spread the lube to the crank bearings and cyl walls/ rings ect. Install plugs and fire it up.
It is probably going up for sale once it is running. I like riding but having it in the garage with a 22 year old son is not going well with the wife. Also not a battle worth fighting.
In reply to ahutson03:
I too love them, but unable to find one that is not overpriced or a basket case, I havbe turned to Suzuki two-strokes.
+1 for oil in the spark plug holes. I also add capful of Sea Foam to a full tank of fuel.
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