So, I've been living with an 05 Z4 3.0i for a couple years now. It doesn't get driven much . . . had 17.5k when I bought it, has 22.8k now. 6 speed, and such a lovely, torquey motor. Love this car, BUT . . . it really beats the crap out of me. It has the original 17" wheels and runflat tires. I know this has probably been hashed out on many forums, but any ideas on what to do to make it more enjoyable to drive.
Not sure if they will clear your brakes, but I have a set of perfect five spoke 16" Z3 wheels that I'd be willing to sell. I'll try to get a photo.
This is the only photo that I have of them. I was planning to remove the tires and put them on Craigslist.
Hmmmm. Pretty cool looking. Not sure if 16 in will clear rotors. I'll check online and call the service people tomorrow. I guess putting 16 in tires that have a little more sidewall might soften it up some.
What size/brand of tires, and how much tread? Also, I guess I should ask how much you want for the wheels.
There were three different kinds of tires on there and none were very good. Where are you located?
I'd bet some non runflat tires with more sidewall would fix most of your issues.
+1 on going to some non-runflats.
Another tiring thing on these cars-- I've found that if the toe isn't set as close as possible to on-spec (not just within spec) they can tram line pretty bad.