Had this spare manual Quattro transmission from when I had a B5 A4. I haven't been able to sell it, well never really tried too hard. But my mind is always jumping around to crazy projects.
Is it possible to flip the center differential inside to reverse the output direction?
Basically thinking to be able to mount it at the rear of a chassis, rear engine and driveshaft to a front differential to be AWD but with a rear bias.
Or am I just crazy in the not good way?
The 01A has the front differential mounted through the case, the ring gear mounts into a relief that ends where the main shaft crosses through into the main case.
There's no real way I can think of that you could turn the differential around, you'd have to get the ring gear past the pocket for the shaft, and the small side just holds a seal and the output shaft.
In reply to Jehannum :
Bummer. I'd like to use the transmission for something but it would be to nose heavy to try to build any kind of cart with the engine out over the front wheels.
Lock the center diff and just use it for a mid engine RWD concoction?
In reply to iansane :
That's probably what I'll do. I have some leftover Boxster suspension, try to jumble something together for fun at some point with it.
The pinion is not on-center with the differential, so you can't do a diff flip without a set of gears that may not exist, no matter what the inside looks like.
Can you just roll it over? That's what they used to do with VW transmissions, right?