May 12, 2012 update on Protege2886's 1991 BMW 318is

Scrambling for parts


1) I love my friends. These guys rock!

My friend Chris sent me all the info that I needed for my hardlines and even gave me a link to a great online vendor - Fedhill USA. Great price. $155 for 50 ft of 3/16 OD tubing, 16 Metric nuts, and a 3-way t-fitting.

2) The internet is awesome! I was having trouble finding backing plates. While their prices are high,’s online catalogue provided me with the part number that I needed. I was able to find the parts for $12 cheaper (each) at Pelican parts. was my next stop. Picked up new emergency brake shoes, a parking brake hardware kit, new parking brake cables (just in case), and two new wheel bearings. Orders over $75 ship for free and they usually ship out of Southern Ontario too (which means no customs or duty for me!)

The backing plates seem to have the longest delivery time but I’m going to hope for the best.

The next stop after work is Kenny-U-Pull (local pick & pull yard) to see if I can wrestle a wiper linkage out of the two E30s that are hopefully still there.


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