Cleaning up bits for the TR4. A few bits are pretty crusty so I thought I'd give electrolysis a whirl.
5 gallon bucket
Box of wash soda - 1 tablespoon per gallon of water
Power supply - 12v battery (old style car charger will work)
Jumper cables - positive to the anode/sacrificial steel, negative to the part
Sacrificial steel (anode)
Chain/electrical connection to part
Support bar
The set up
Started bubbling/fizzing after a few seconds
After a couple of hours it looked like this:
The part after a light touch up with a wire brush
Most of the big crusties are gone from the inside, but there is still some rust inside. Much better though. Here's what happened to the sacrificial steel:
Basically transfers the rust from the part to the anode. Pretty cool and virtually no effort. Plug it in and check on the part after a few hours.
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