How you can spend less on gas–by using less gas.
You've seen plenty of fuel additives for sale–but do any of them actually deliver what's promised?
Just how much is in that E85 at the pump?
Is buying premium fuel a waste if your car doesn't require it?
We share with you how to find race fuels and how to store them safely for use at your next outing.
Time to fill up your force-fed car? Time to discuss some E85 science with Zachary Santner, technical specialist with Sunoco Race Fuels.
It all says premium, so it's pretty much all the same, right? Not quite.
Running methanol as a fuel sounds great–even more performance potential at a lower price. But, first, some considerations.
Whatever happened to leaded fuels, and why are they still used in racing?
Just because it's fresh out the pump, doesn't mean that fuel doesn't have contaminants in it.